Put George W. Bush On The 3:10 To Yuma!
By Joe Guzzardi
For most of the VDARE.com contributors and readers, the problem of immigration consumes us. No matter where we may go or what we might be doing, reminders of mass immigration’s impact are everywhere.
In 2004, I wrote about a Christmas trip to New York where, at my favorite Italian restaurant Patsy’s, I was served by a Polish waitress. She was a nice kid but almost certainly in the U.S. illegally. According to her, she came to the U.S. on a tourist visa to join her husband. That was quicker, she explained, than applying for a legal K-3 visa.
To say that the incident ruined my evening would be too strong. But I couldn’t really shake it. And I couldn’t help but wonder: are there no Italians in New York who would like to rake in the mega tips from the expense account crowd at Patsy’s?
Sadly, I scratched Patsy’s from my list of restaurants that I will patronize on future trips.
Now a similar off-putting incident has occurred. A remake of 3:10 to Yuma was released last week, starring Russell Crowe and Christian Bale. The original, a wonderful yarn about a murdering outlaw taken to the train where he will be transported to trial, featuring the underrated stars Glenn Ford, Van Heflin and Felicia Farr is one of my favorites (although not quite good enough to make my top ten list of best westerns — read my list here).
If I was free of immigration concerns — but who is these days? — I would have been first in line to buy a ticket.
Instead, I thought: "Yuma, Yuma…isn’t that the Arizona city where President George W. Bush went in April to deliver his pack of lies in support of what he loves to call 'comprehensive immigration reform'?"
And, my busy mind continued: "Isn’t Yuma in the gerrymandered 7th congressional district represented by reconquista/ MEChista Raúl Grijalva?"
The sad answers, of course, are "Yes" and "Yes."
Analyzed five months later, Bush’s Yuma performance stands as a lasting testimony to his arrogance and his contempt for patriotic immigration reform.
Excerpts: (read the entire speech here)
- "The Border Patrol is a really important agency."
- "Securing the border is a critical part of a strategy for comprehensive immigration reform."
- "People are coming to work, and many of them have no lawful way to come to America, and so they're sneaking in."
- "Catch and release for every non-Mexican has been effectively ended."
- "It is impractical to take the position that, oh, we'll just find the 11 million or 12 million people and send them home. It’s just an impractical position; it’s not going to work. It may sound good. It may make nice sound bite news. It won’t happen."
My comments:
- The Border Patrol is "important" but Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean linger in a federal penitentiary for doing their job.
- Securing the border is "critical" but it remains wide open.
- Some people may be "coming to work" but many "sneak in" to cook meth etc.
- "Catch and release" has been ended for non-Mexicans — but not for Mexicans.
- Deporting people is "impractical" so "it’s not going to work", eh? How about trying the VDARE.com solution proposed by our contributor, "An Economist?"
Congressman Grijalva, a Democrat, didn’t attend Bush’s insulting speech. And he wasn’t one of the 14 people Bush thanked during his canned comments. But I’m sure Bush admires Grijalva’s passion for open borders.
This is what Washington D.C. touts as bipartisan — a Republican and a Democrat who share the mutual goal of abolishing America through immigration.
Grijalva, no surprise, reaffirmed his MEChista perspective as recently as August when he endorsed the piecemeal approach to amnesty now being pushed by the White House after the defeat of the "comprehensive" approach this summer.
At an "immigration round table," Grijalva tediously spoke out in favor of the much denounced Dream Act, a guest worker plan and a fast path to citizenship for illegal aliens. [Grijalva Says Immigration Reform Not Dead, By Cesar Neyoy, Yuma Sun, August 24, 2007]
Like Grijalva, Bush — despite his devastating "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" defeat late this spring, a real grass-roots vote of no-confidence — refuses to give up.
On August 10, Bush announced that his Cabinet, with special input from his two right hand bag men on immigration Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, have developed a "fact sheet" to "improve border security and immigration within existing law."
The twenty-six point "fact sheet" makes fascinating reading — most especially for its use, thirty-six times, of the verb "will" and for its amazingly vague language.
Bush makes so many promises — but, at this point in his Presidency, has so little time!
Aside to the President: how about issuing a "fact sheet" when you can outline your accomplishments in the past tense?
For example point number 11: "In The Coming Months, The Administration Will Publish A Regulation That Will Reduce The Number Of Documents That Employers Must Accept To Confirm The Identity And Work Eligibility Of Their Employees."
Change that to: "Yesterday, the administration published a regulation…." and your poll numbers might go up.
The "fact sheet" provisions are truly scary. Each of you will have the ones that offend you the most but let me direct you to mine.
Under the subsection titled "Assimilation" are the last two points.
- Number 25: "The Office Of Citizenship Will Provide Additional Training For Volunteers And Adult Educators Who Lead Immigrants Through The Naturalization Process." Pursuant to this, in October, 2007 — a mere two weeks from now — adult educators of immigrant students will be summoned to one of eight USCIS sponsored training sessions to "improve our ability" to teach history, civics and naturalization.
Odd, although I have been an ESL instructor for twenty years, I haven’t received the notification. Perhaps I’m out of the loop for key memos from school administrators — but I doubt it since I’m the senior staff instructor.
- Number 26: "The Department Of Education Will Launch A Free, Web-Based Portal To Help Immigrants Learn English, And Expand This Model Over Time. This one just isn’t going to happen. Teaching non-English speakers the language and computer skills is simply too much for them. Take it from someone who has tried.
What is possible is to establish basic computer skills and slowly merge into low-level English language programs. But as for learning civics and American history online — forget it.
In August, I wrote that Bush is America’s worst president ever. Few readers challenged me.
Because of his stubborn, non-stop efforts to end American sovereignty, Bush is also the most frightening president ever.
Bush’s quest to abolish America ends when the 44th president is sworn in…and not a day before.
Put Bush on the "3:10 to Yuma" to face a jury for his crimes against America.
Joe Guzzardi is the Editor of VDARE.com Letters to the Editor. In addition, he is an English teacher at the Lodi Adult School and has been writing a weekly newspaper column since 1988. This column is exclusive to VDARE.com.