Racial Gangrape: Another Diversity Disaster
By Sam Francis
No doubt because of the influence of xenophobia and nativism in this country, America has not yet had an opportunity to welcome a new sport that the glorious multiracial diversity of the new millennium has already created. But in more cosmopolitan centers like Paris and Australia, the game is blossoming. It consists in the ritual gang rape of white women by non-white immigrants.
Back in April, 11 young black males went on trial in Paris for the gang rape of a 14-year-old white girl seven years ago. Rapes happen all the time, of course, but this one was unusually notable. It turned out to be a ritual for initiation into a gang. (VDARE note: The Guardian story on this case refers to the rapists as “French youths”. See Peter Brimelow’s review of Paved with Good Intentions for a discussion of this media phenomenon.)
The ritual is known as a “tournante,” meaning “Take your turn,” and it consists of a black male becoming “friendly with” (seducing) a white female, preferably a teenager. Once they've become chums, the male lures the girl to a location where his buddies in the gang “take their turns” with her. In the case on trial in Paris, it was no fewer than 14 buddies. Unlike many victims of such fun, this young lady lodged a complaint with the police. As a result, she was gangraped a second time — this time, allegedly, by the 11 who went on trial in April.
The incident is not isolated. Police investigations of similar rapes were underway in three other French cities, and one French magistrate says the game has been going on since at least the 1980s. “Their technique was to pick up a young girl — a white girl — and once she had become the girlfriend of one of the members, he would allow his mates to make use of her,” magistrate Sylvie Lotteau told the press last spring. (VDARE: Click here to read it in the French language. Computer translation here.)
But France isn’t the only nation to experience the pleasures of diversity. Reports from Australia reveal that racially motivated rapes of white women are catching on there as well.
The Australian Sun-Herald reports that police data show that some 70 racially motivated rapes of young white girls, one as young as 13, by Middle Eastern immigrants have taken place in the last two years. “Fifteen youths and men have so far been charged with more than 300 offenses relating to matters since mid-2000 alone. They are all of Middle Eastern extraction. None of those involved is presently before the courts. Their alleged victims have all been Caucasian, aged between 13 and 18.”
Unlike the French white rape sport, those in Australia don’t seem to be part of a gang initiation, but they are nonetheless clearly racially driven. “Before being brutalized,” the Australian paper reports, “other victims have reportedly been questioned about their Australian heritage or forced to endure taunts about their attackers' prowess.” But, like the rapes in France, those in Australia follow a similar pattern in which one non-white male becomes intimate with a white girl, whom he then delivers to his friends for sexual violation, beating and humiliation.
As I remarked, these particular sports, rather like soccer a few years ago, have just not caught on in the United States — at least not yet. But a recent report from Sacramento suggests that times are changing. There four men who are immigrants from Fiji are facing trial for kidnapping and rape as part of a gang initiation, and they are part of a group of 11 suspects facing similar charges of kidnapping and raping at least nine women, most of them prostitutes. There’s no word in the Sacramento Bee story that reported these facts as to the race of the victims — no doubt because race just isn’t important, you know. (VDARE note: The Sacramento Bee did a year-long project on rape in the Sacramento area. Both their breakdown on the details of Sacramento area rapes, and their “profile of a rapist” avoid any mention of race, culture, or citizenship. They do use the word macho, but with reference to Americans.)
And that of course is the whole point, isn’t it? In the glorious diversity of the new millennium the brutal truth is that race is important — so important that non-whites who know this truth will commit rape against white women because of it. Importing millions of non-whites into what for centuries have been majority white countries doesn’t diminish the importance of race; it increases it.
Because American and some other Western governments refuse to protect their own citizens, rape, like other violent crimes, is no longer uncommon. What is uncommon — so far — is for rape to be openly committed for racial reasons, and the diversity mania and its supportive ideologies have utterly destroyed the capacity of white Westerners to understand this. Human beings aren’t really motivated by racial loyalties and racial hatreds, are they? Human beings are just interested in getting better jobs and making more money.
Racial rape is only the latest contribution of multiracialist diversity to the growth of Western civilization and its narrow-minded ethic and world-view. Just imagine what other contributions multiracialism will make possible once whites cease to be a majority in their own countries and the immigrants who are now on trial are able to take control.
August 09, 2001