SAID IN SPANISH: [9 ITEMS] Foreign Minister Barcena Boosts Mexican Fifth Column On D.C. Visit; Biden Regime Donates Vehicles To Help Mexico Rescue Illegals; 154 Non-Hispanic Illegals Arrested In One Border Town; Etc.!
By Allan Wall
Mexican Foreign Minister Boosts Mexican Fifth Column On D.C. Visit, Fawned On By Blinken
Alicia Barcena, Mexico’s new foreign minister, recently visited Washington, D.C., for the first time and hobnobbed with dignitaries of the Biden Regime and the Mexican “community” [La canciller Alicia Bárcena hace su primera visita de trabajo a Washington, D.C. (“Foreign Minister Alicia Barcena makes her first working visit to Washington, D.C.”),, August 11, 2023].
“My first meeting in Washington, D.C. was with Hispanic organizations,” she tweeted. “I recognized them and expressed appreciation for their work, giving voice to the Hispanics and Mexicans in particular in the United States and their years of fighting for the rights of migrants. We agreed on a powerful agenda for this year” [Emphasis added].
So the Mexican Foreign Minister and the Hispanic Fifth Column in the U.S. have agreed on an agenda for the year. Great!
Then Barcena tweeted this:
A pleasant meeting with Secretary [of Homeland Security Alejandro] Mayorkas over contingent and medium-range topics. I reiterated that it is essential that the buoys installed in Mexican territory in the Rio Grande be removed. I confirmed the disposition of Mexico to open more routes of regular, ordered and secure mobility.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott installed those buoys to stop illegal aliens from crossing the river, which provoked a lawsuit from the Biden Regime to remove them and keep the river crossing open for Great Replacers.
Interesting replies to her tweets included this one from Brian X:
Barcena also met with U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken.
“Mexico’s partnership is vital on urgent priorities like tackling illicit fentanyl, expanding lawful migration pathways, and more,” Blinken tweeted.
As for meeting with the Mexican “community,” Barcena tweeted its members can “count on me.”
Wonderful! Who can the American “community” depend on?
Ken Salazar, U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, doesn’t like those buoys, either. In a public appearance with María Eugenia Campos, the blonde governor of Chihuahua state, right, Salazar called the barrier “illegal and offensive” and affirmed that “the Mexican People are right to be offended” [El muro de boyas del Río Bravo es ilegal y ofensivo: Ken Salazar (“The wall of buoys on the Rio Grande is illegal and offensive”), by Carlos Coria Rivas, Excelsior, July 26, 2023].
Yeah, like the U.S. ambassador has to tell Mexicans to be offended over something on the border!
In Big Apple, Mexican Presidential Candidate Promotes Dual Citizenship
Every 12 years, presidential elections in Mexico and the United States coincide. Mexico’s election is on June 2. One of the candidates, Gerardo Fernandez Norona, showed up in New York City and had some choice words on the matter of dual citizenship.
Reported Milenio:
Gerardo Fernandez Norona proposed to dozens of migrants that they should organize to raise their voice and ask for “at the minimum, dual citizenship” and not “a f***ing license.”
[Noroña pide a comunidad migrante en Nueva York organizarse para pedir doble ciudadanía (“Norona asks the migrant community in New York to organize to ask for dual citizenship”), by Armando Martinez, Milenio, July 27, 2023]
Plenty of people already have dual U.S.-Mexican citizenship. Our government doesn’t stop them.
Mexico’s Immigration Bureau: 6 Million Illegals In Mexico In 2023
Traitor Joe Biden’s Great Replacement invader army is truly diverse. Its members come from more than 100 countries:
The [National Migration Institute] confirmed that more than 6 million irregular migrants have entered Mexico, coming from at least 114 countries. Of this total, only 2,200,000 have been issued documents to stay in Mexican territory.
[Más de 6 millones de migrantes han ingresado a México en lo que va de 2023: INM, by Jonatan Gonzalez, Milenio, July 29, 2023]
Of course, most of those illegals are ultimately headed to the United States.
Your Tax Dollars At Work: Traitor Joe Donates Vehicles To Help Mexico Help Illegals
Don’t think that the Biden Regime is not investing in the border.
It recently donated 10 RZRs for the Grupo Beta unit’s search-and-rescue operations [Destina INM vehículos especiales tipo Razer al rescate de población migrante en el norte del país (“INM destines special RZR vehicles for the rescue of migrant population in the north of the country”),, July 26, 2023].
This is an RZR, via Wikipedia:
The Border Patrol could use 10 of these, you know, to patrol our side of the border.
Nine-Year-Old Illegal Alien Girl Rescued — To Be Delivered To U.S.!
Illegal aliens routinely try to jump the border with small children under the broiling summer sun. But illegals don’t seem to care about endangering their kids. American border agents helped with the search for 9-year-old Stephanie Solei Canseco Lemus.
The INM reported that this Monday afternoon [July 24], that a girl, Stephanie Solei Conseco Lemus, 9 years of age, of a Salvadoran mother and a Mexican father; who had been reported as lost the night of yesterday … was located.
[Localiza INM y autoridades de EU a Stephanie Solei Canseco Lemus (“INM and US authorities locate Stephanie Solei Canseco Lemus,” by Stephanie Solei, Canseco Lemus),, July 24, 2023]
Of course, we should be glad the girl was found, particularly given that the illegals tried to cross at the toxic Tijuana River [Sewage Pollution within the Tijuana River Watershed,].
But note the last paragraph in the story:
The Border Patrol of the San Diego Sector has her under custody, while the Mexican consulate in San Diego initiated the procedure that permits — very soon — family reunification with her mother on U.S. soil. [Emphasis added]
Note that the girl is half-Mexican and half-Salvadoran — she can live in either country.
But of course, she’s headed to the United States because her mother is (illegally) here.
154 Non-Hispanic Illegals Arrested In Sonoyta
Sonoyta is just across the border from Lukeville, Arizona. I passed through it in December [Motoring along Highway #2, the edge of Mexico, by Allan Wall, MexConnect, June 27, 2023].
Authorities there recently picked up more than 100 illegals — and not a one was Mexican or even Central American:
A group of 154 migrants from India, Angola, Egypt, Mauritania, Senegal and Angola were rescued by personnel of the Instituto Nacional de Migración (INM), through two operations carried out in Sonoyta, Sonora.
[INM rescata 154 migrantes provenientes de África, Asia y Sudamérica en Sonora (“INM rescues 154 migrants from Africa, Asia and South America in Sonora”) by Ivan Cabanzo, Milenio, July 28, 2023]
Even in an isolated border town, plenty of penniless Third World “migrants” are headed for America.
Mexican Consulate In D.C. Warns Mexicans About Crime In Washington, D.C.
The Mexican consulate in Washington, D.C. recently tweeted warning Mexican residents about the city’s increasing crime:
Attention Mexican Community: The city of Washington, D.C. is undergoing a significant increase in crime in areas previously considered as safe. Take precautions. In an emergency, call 911. For urgent consular assistance, call (202) 997-0560.
The warning is understandable. Homicides are up 15 percent over last year, and violent crime has risen 36 percent. Carjackings: Up 34 percent [’Take precautions’: Mexican consulate warns community as DC crime rates surge, Kate Davison, ABC 7 News, July 30, 2023].
Here’s another compelling detail from ABC:
Another problem plaguing cities is organized retail crime. A June report by Homeland Security Investigations and the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering shows cartels are partially behind the $70 billion problem. [Links in original]
One wonders what kind of “cartels.”
When Federico Ling, a white Mexican resident, asked what neighborhoods were unsafe, the consulate referred him to the city police department’s web page.
Larry Mazzuckelli offered this reply: “If Donald Trump is elected then Washington D. C. Will be safe for everyone!”
Migration Institute Director Discusses Cartel Recruitment Of Illegals Passing Through Mexico
Speaking of cartels, Francisco Garduno Yanez, director of the Migration Institute, has admitted that the cartels are recruiting “migrants” (Regime-speak for illegals):
Migrants are being recruited by criminal groups during their passage through Mexico, affirmed Francisco Garduño Yáñez, head of the National Institute of Migration (INM) during his visit to the state of Chiapas, and stated that it represents a great concern for the government of Mexico.
[Crimen organizado está reclutando a migrantes en México, asegura INM (“INM: Organized Crime Is Recruiting Migrants in Mexico”) by Jonatan Gonzalez, Milenio, July 27, 2023]
If only it were a concern for Joe Biden and Mayorkas, the Cuban “migrant” who runs the Department of Homeland Security.
American citizen Allan Wall (email him) moved back to the U.S.A. in 2008after many years residing in Mexico. Allan‘s wife is from Mexico and is now a U.S. citizen, their two sons are bilingual. In 2005, Allan served a tour of duty in Iraq with the Texas Army National Guard. His articles are archived here; his Border Hawk blog archive is here, his website is here.