
SAID IN SPANISH: Can AMLO Sweet-Talk Trump Into Amnesty? Mexico Still Deporting Central Americans; ETC. (FIVE ITEMS)

By Allan Wall


ORANGE ALERT! AMLO To Sweet-Talk Susceptible Trump Into An Amnesty?

Patriots beware! Mexican president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (“AMLO”) is scheduled to meet with President Trump in July. One possible topic for discussion: Amnesty for illegal Mexicans, Milenio reports:

[AMLO] suggested the possibility of proposing a migratory reform to his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump, with the purpose of regularizing the Mexicans who live in that country without legal documents. During his morning press conference, he admitted that this subject might be dealt with during his possible future visit to the United States, planned for July, to express appreciation for the support of that country during the COVID-19 epidemic and the fall in oil prices.

[AMLO analiza proponer reforma migratoria a Trump (“AMLO considers proposing a migratory reform to Trump”), by Pedro Dominguez, May 5, 2020]

As I’ve noted before, despite being on the Left, AMLO goes out of his way not to criticize President Trump. And note one purpose of the get-together: to thank Trump for helping Mexico.

That isn’t good for us, given Trump’s notorious susceptibility to flattery and emotional appeals.

Let AMLO cajole and wheedle all he wants, Mr. President. But don’t “regularize” a single illegal alien!

Mexico Continues To Deport Central Americans

Mexico most emphatically does not want “migrant” Central Americans heading for the U.S. border to add to its coronavirus problem. So the Mexican immigration agency has been unflinchingly deporting them:

[The agency] repatriated 4,303 foreign citizens from March 21 to date, leaving only 231 persons in its migratory stations. As a result, it has avoided any outbreak of coronavirus COVID-19 in those centers.

[Migración evitó contagios de coronavirus repatriando a más de 4 mil extranjeros (“Migration Avoids Spread of Coronavirus by Repatriating More Than 4,000 Foreigners”), by Fernando Damian, Milenio, May 12, 2020]

Most of the deportees were reportedly from the “Northern Triangle” of Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador, which don’t much appreciate Mexico’s hard-nosed virus policy.

El Salvador is now not accepting them, and the Guatemalan government has complained that four unaccompanied minors deported from Mexico back to Guatemala tested positive for coronavirus [Cuatro menores guatemaltecos dan positivo de coronavirus tras ser deportados de México (“Four Guatemalan Minors Test Positive After Being Deported from Mexico”), by La Prensa Libre, May 7, 2020].

US Mexican Associations Issue “Manifesto To The Nation” — The Mexican Nation

If you want to know how Mexicans in the U.S. view themselves, consider this:

A coalition of 31 Mexican associations here recently sent a “Manifesto” to the Mexican government [Manifiesto a la Nación Frente a La Crisis Sanitaria y Económica del País — Propuestas de Federaciones Organizaciones Mexicanas de Migrantes en Estados Unidos (“Manifesto to the Nation to Confront the Health and Economic Crisis of the Country — Proposals of the Mexican Migrant Federations and Organizations in the United States”), April 27, 2020].

Addressed to AMLO, his cabinet, the Congress, governors, party leaders, the private sector, and most ambitiously of all, the “People of Mexico and its Transnational Communities,” the Manifesto has just one purpose: to get money from the Mexican government i.e., increase Mexican Meddling in our internal affairs.

But that’s not the most interesting thing about the Manifesto. Note what it inadvertently admits about Mexicans here in the U.S. and whether they even plan to assimilate, as we are told so often that they will:

“[W]e address the entire Mexican nation of 165 million persons, 127 million in Mexico and 38 million in the United States,” it says. (My emphasis.)

In other words, the manifesto’s 31 signatories believe that “38 million in the United States” are Mexicans first and Americans second — as the logos associated with them also show.

For example, one was shaped like my home state, Oklahoma, where Mexicans are supposedly represented by the House of Zacatecas Federation in Tulsa.

Look at the logo carefully: Inside the Sooner State is an image of Zacatecas, a state in Mexico, with the colors of both the American and Mexican flags.

Other groups include the Association of Mexicans in North Carolina and the Migrant Collective in Chicago, Illinois.

It’s time to close the border.

Guatemalan Ambassador To U.S. On How The Pandemic Helps Guatemala

Guatemala doesn’t want the U.S. to deport Guatemalans infected with COVID-19 back home yet encourages them to come here as guest workers where they could catch the virus, as I reported recently,

During a recent interview with Prensa Libre, the Guatemalan ambassador to the United States showed that his government knows exactly what it’s doing [Cómo el coronavirus podría traer una ventaja para la relación diplomática con EE. UU. (“How the Coronavirus can give us an advantage in our diplomatic relationship with the United States”), by Sergio Morales Rodas, Prensa Libre, May 15, 2020].

Alfonso Quinonez, a Euro-Guatemalan like President Alejandro Giammattei, has been ambassador since March 18, yet can’t fly to the U.S. because of the pandemic. But that doesn’t mean he has nothing to say about his job and what he intends to do.

Consider these three nuggets:

Of course, Guatemala’s ambassador will promote his country’s interests. That is indeed his job.

But when do we start promoting ours?

Mexicans Arrested For Illegal Logging … In Guatemala

However much the Guatemalan government wants and expected its people to live and work in the U.S., it doesn’t think much of foreigners who set up shop in Guatemala:

Seven Mexicans were caught by authorities after reports of the presence of foreigners in the area of the biosphere who were attempting to plunder the forest.

[Capturan a siete mexicanos por tala ilegal en la Reserva de la Biosfera Maya (“Seven Mexicans Captured for Illegal Logging in the Maya Biosphere Reserve”), by Donny Stewart, Prensa Libre, May 4, 2020]

Captured at the El Mirador Mayan archaeological site in the northern Peten Department, these lumber liquidators weren’t felling a few random trees. They were setting up a serious operation:

Two all-terrain vehicles with Mexican license plates, a motorcycle, chainsaws, hammocks and cooking equipment were confiscated from the men. According to authorities, they had installed a campsite for the plundering of valuable wood.

Commenters at Prensa Libre were unsympathetic.

Wrote Carlitos Navas, who uses a photo of Charles Manson as his avatar:

At least give them twenty years in jail. These people destroy the biosphere, not caring about anything, in lands that aren’t even theirs.

Is it just me, or does Carlitos sound a little…xenophobic?

American citizen Allan Wall (email him) moved back to the U.S.A. in 2008after many years residing in Mexico. Allan’s wife is Mexican, and their two sons are bilingual. In 2005, Allan served a tour of duty in Iraq with the Texas Army National Guard. His VDARE.com articles are archived here; his Mexidata.info articles are archived here; his News With Views columns are archived here; and his website is here.

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