SAID IN SPANISH: Mexican Government Accepts Trump Triumph But Says It Will Still Meddle; LA ESTRATEGIA SAILER; ETC.

By Allan Wall


Trump’s triumph was a huge shock to the Spanish-language media, with even some acknowledgement to the effectiveness of the Sailer Strategy, but the Mexican government is still blustering about continued meddling in American internal affairs.

Mexican Government Accepts Trump Triumph, But Still intends To Meddle


Well, they really had to, didn’t they? Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto announced after the election that he had spoken with Donald Trump to congratulate him, that they had a cordial conversation and would work together — your basic statement about a foreign head of state. [Una oportunidad, nuevo capítulo en la relación México-EU: Peña Nieto Excelsior, November 9, 2016. ]

But Pena Nieto also said this:

We have inseparable links with the American society, the best example is the Mexican community that lives in the United States. They are families that contribute daily to the development of both nations. As president of Mexico, I will give the best of my ability, heart and soul, to protect the rights, well-being and interests of Mexicans, wherever they are found. "Mi prioridad ha sido y seguirá siendo, cuidar a México y proteger a los mexicanos": EPN Mexican Presidential Website, November 9, 2016

The Mexican president is referring to Mexicans and Mexican-Americans in the U. S. Regardless immigration status or citizenship, Mexico considerers Mexicans in the U.S. to be part of the “Mexican community” — i.e. a Fifth Column.

The Mexican Foreign Ministry (SRE) was right on top of this Trump thing as well. Excelsior reports that the foreign ministry

maintains coordination with the 50 consulates and the ambassador of Mexico in the United States, Carlos Manuel Sada Solana, to attend the needs, orient the fellow Mexicans and reiterate that the rights of Mexicans inside and outside of the country will never be negotiable.

[Derechos de los mexicanos en EU, no son negociables: SRE, Excelsior (from Notimex), November 13, 2016.]

El teléfono 185 54 63 63 95 es un punto de contacto con @gobmx para brindar asistencia, información y protección consular. #EstamosContigo

— Claudia Ruiz Massieu (@ruizmassieu) November 17, 2016

So the SRE says the rights of Mexicans in the U.S. are not negotiable. But if they’re living in another country, don’t the laws of that country have something of a say over them?

I lived in Mexico a decade and a half. Although I was an American citizen, wasn’t I supposed to respect Mexican law when I was residing there?


It was also reported in the same Excelsior column that Foreign Minister Claudia Ruiz Massieu [Tweet her]held a meeting with the North American Undersecretariat, and “they analyzed the results of the elections in the United States and discussed concrete actions over the future of the bilateral relationship.”

Not only that, but she called on a group of Mexican consuls in the U.S. “to design plans of protection and consular assistance.” And she “instructed the consuls to keep close to the Mexican community and to transmit messages of confidence and tranquility, thus to avoid provocations and possible migratory frauds.”

The vast Mexican consular network (with its embassy and 50 consulates) is in effect a tool for the extension of Mexican interests north of the border, using that “Mexican community.” The Trump Administration should deal with it.

Mexican President Pena Nieto also met with foreign Minister Ruiz Massi, instructing her “to strengthen the protection of Mexicans who live in the United States” [ Peña Nieto instruye a Ruiz Massieu a defender a connacionales en EU Excelsior (from Notimex), November 14, 2016

How about protecting the Mexicans who live in Mexico?

Steve Bannon “A Supremacist” To Mexican Media


Needless, the Mexican media has picked up on the controversy over Steve Bannon’s appointment as chief strategist and senior counselor in the Trump Administration. An article in Excelsior was subtly entitled Trump nombra a supremacista como asesor principal [“Trump names a supremacist as principal advisor,” sources Reuters and AFP, November 15, 2016]

It described Bannon as

a fierce critic of [House Speaker Paul] Ryan who led the conversion of the Breitbart News internet site to become a forum of the alternative right (“alt-right”), a vague internet confederation of NeoNazis, white supremacists and anti-Semites.
That’s us!

“Thus Are Lived The First Days Of Trump”


There were many general atmosphere articles, telling the Spanish-speaking readers that things are getting worse for minorities after Trump’s election, and that he can do bad things to immigrants. For example, Así se viven los primeros días del Estados Unidos de Trump [“Thus are lived the first days of the United States of Trump”] Excelsior, November 10, 2016.

Subtitle: “A couple of days after the electoral results have been made known, Donald Trump’s rhetoric has begun to be noted in American society.”

Five incidents are cited: 1) a black woman being threatened at a gas station, 2) graffiti on a library, 3) graffiti and vandalism on a car, 4) graffiti on a wall, and 5) a now deleted tweet [archived here] of a car bearing the word “kill” and Confederate flags.

That’s all they’ve got?

Then there’s Mexicanos con familiares en EU temen que Trump cumpla sus amenazas [“Mexicans with family members in the US fear that Trump will carry out his threats”) by Claudia Solera, Excelsior, November 10, 2016.

Solera kicks off portentously:

“Fathers, mothers, grandmothers and siblings of Mexicans in the United States awoke yesterday with a great fear: that Donald Trump would carry out the threats of his campaign, such as to deport or take the job of migrants, or to intensify discrimination."
She quoted a Mexican who had lived 9 years in the U.S. as an illegal alien, bemoans his bad treatment there and expects things to get worse under Trump. Oh, and he has a son, other family members and friends in the U.S. Well, if it’s so bad, why doesn’t he tell them to return to Mexico?

Over at La Opinión, the biggest Spanish-language periodical/website in the U.S., writer Maria Pena laments that Trump tendría un gabinete sin representación de latinos (Trump Could Have A Cabinet Without Latino Representation), by Maria Pena, Excelsior, November 10, 2016, as his reported cabinet list has no Latinos.

First Latina In U.S. Senate Turns Out To Be A “White Hispanic”


The day after the election, Excelsior had one happy headline: ¡Hace historia! Llega la primera latina al Senado [“History is made! The first Latina arrives to the Senate,” November 9, 2016.] Excelsior was celebrating the election of the first Hispanic woman — Democrat Catherine Cortez-Masto, in Nevada. Her grandparents were immigrants from the northern Mexican state of Chihuahua. But look at her photograph — she’s a “white Hispanic,” her mother was Italian-American.

Jorge Ramos Admits Error — Sort Of


Jorge Ramos admits an error — this doesn’t happen every day!

Of course, he Tweeted “we” were wrong so as not to take all the blame upon himself:

Como periodistas nos equivocamos al no ver el resentimiento que existe, al creer en las encuestas y en no hacer antes preguntas más duras.

[“As journalists, we were wrong to not see the resentment that exists, to believe the polls and in not to ask harder questions earlier”]

Maybe if Jorge hadn’t spent so much time being an Open Borders activist disguised as a journalist he would have seen these things.

Another Jorge Ramos tweet:

Según Edison Research 29 % Latinos votaron por Trump. Querría decir q muchos Latinos escondieron su preferencia en encuestas y votaron Trump

[“According to Edison Research, 29% of Latinos voted for Trump. That meant that many Latinos hid their preference in polls and voted for Trump."]

Needless to say, Ramos is not changing his own preference:

Nos equivocamos sobre voto blanco, voto latino y encuestas. Pero acertamos al denunciar el racismo, sexismo y promoción del odio de Trump.

— JORGE RAMOS (@jorgeramosnews) November 13, 2016
Nos equivocamos sobre voto blanco, voto latino y encuestas. Pero acertamos al denunciar el racismo, sexismo y promoción del odio de Trump.

[“We were wrong about the white vote, the Latino vote and the polls. But we were right to denounce racism, sexism and Trump’s promotion of hate.”]

La Opinión Admits It: The Latino Vote Was Not Sufficient!

It’s been an article of faith in the MSM, and even more so in the Spanish-language media, that the Latino vote is necessary to win the presidency. But after the Trump Triumph, even La Opinión had to acknowledge El voto latino no fue suficiente para detener la embestida de la base de Trump [“ The Latino Vote was not sufficient to stop the assault of Trump’s Base,” by Pilar Marrero, La Opinión, November 9, 2016]

Marrero points out that this happened

for one simple reason: the Latino voters were not the only enthusiastic voters.

It is clear that the Trump voters were also mobilized, and there are more of them.

More recognition for La Estrategia SailerThe Sailer Strategy!

American citizen Allan Wall (email him) moved back to the U.S.A. in 2008after many years residing in Mexico. Allan’s wife is Mexican, and their two sons are bilingual. In 2005, Allan served a tour of duty in Iraq with the Texas Army National Guard. His articles are archived here; his articles are archived here; his News With Views columns are archived here; and his website is here.

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