By Allan Wall
Florida isn’t just the scene of the political prosecution of Donald Trump for a “crime” that other presidents have committed with nary a peep from the Justice Department. It’s also the scene of open Mexican meddling in American politics over a new law, SB 1718/Chapter No. 2023-40, effective July 1, that requires employers to use E-Verify and penalizes those who transport illegals into Florida [Governor Ron DeSantis Signs Strongest Anti-Illegal Immigration Legislation in the Country to Combat Biden’s Border Crisis,, May 10, 2023]. Apparently, Governor Ron DeSantis and Florida’s duly elected legislators failed to obtain Mexico’s approval, so its government is trying to undermine it.
To his credit, DeSantis has fired back:
🔥🔥 DeSantis hits back at the Mexican President for attacking his anti-illegal immigration bill:
“President López Obrador should be cracking down on the cartels running his country and fueling our deadly opioid epidemic instead of worrying about what we are doing in Florida.…
— DeSantis War Room 🐊 (@DeSantisWarRoom) May 10, 2023
but not nearly strongly enough. A recent surveillance-propaganda sally into Florida by a prominent Mexican government official went unnoted. And not just by DeSantis.
President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has publicly attacked DeSantis over the law several times [Mexican President Slams DeSantis as “Anti-Immigrant,” by Allan Wall, Border Hawk, May 30, 2023]. And Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard visited Florida recently to oppose the law. Ebrard recently resigned his position to run for president of Mexico, which means Alicia Barcena, his designated replacement, can be expected to stick her nose into Florida’s business too.
Recently the Foreign Ministry’s director general of consular protection and strategic planning, Vanessa Calva Ruiz, a lesbian and LGBTXYZ promoter, landed in Florida. Calva pays close attention to what’s going on in the U.S. During a trip to Arizona, she meddled in the anarcho-tyranny’s prosecution of George Alan Kelly, the rancher charged with murdering a Mexican illegal alien.
At a March 3 consulate presser in Nogales, Calva agreed with the prosecution’s case and mentioned Kelly’s novel, Far Beyond The Border Fence, as evidence that Kelly is a “vigilante” who simply murdered a “migrant” because he, Kelly, wants people to “take justice into their own hands” [Mexican officials call for justice in migrant’s killing on Arizona ranch, by Danyelle Khmara,, April 16, 2023].
From June 5-9, Director Calva toured Florida for five days, educating the Mexican colony there about the upcoming law and how to deal with it. It was all public, but, as usual, neither reported in the Main Stream Media nor criticized by Republican officials.
A communique from the Mexican Foreign ministry’s website reported:
As directed by Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard, and by the head of the North American Unit, from June 5 to 9, Vanessa Calva Ruiz, Director General of Consular Protection and Strategic Planning, took a wide-ranging working visit to the state of Florida to hold strategic meetings with representatives of the community, civil associations, human rights organizations, lawyers and local authorities, on the occasion of the promulgation of the anti-immigrant SB1718 law. The meetings were held under the coordination of the general consulate in Miami and the Orlando consulate.
Together with the Consul General of Miami, Jonathan Chait, the Director General [Calva] inaugurated the second edition of the “Week of External Legal Advice” in the United States, which was held from June 5 to 9 among all the representations of Mexico. She emphasized the consular actions, programs, and services carried out by our representations to serve the Mexican community in a proactive, preventive, and comprehensive manner, particularly in specific areas such as migration, criminal matters, family civil matters, and cases of gender violence and sexual orientation through the Legal Assistance Program for Mexicans and External Legal Advice (PALE), under the motto “Know and Exercise Your Rights”
In the company of the Consular Protection teams of both consulates [Miami and Orlando], informative sessions were held concerning SB1718 in Miami, Homestead, Immokalee, Jupiter, Orlando, Baker, Jacksonville and Pearson, to share specific recommendations over the rights of our community, especially over consular notification, and analyses of the law by lawyers, authorities and organizations. Also participating were local police and sheriff’s offices, who directed messages to the community to make clear that their job is to protect the citizenry and maintain order, with no interest in investigating their migratory status.
[Se realiza una visita estratégica a Florida para implementar y reforzar acciones consulares ante la promulgación de la ley anti-inmigrante (“A Strategic Visit to Florida to Implement and Reinforce Consular Actions in the face of the Promulgation of the Anti-Immigrant Law SB 1718”),, June 9, 2023] [My emphasis]
Let’s be clear: Foreign officials and two Mexican consulates are meddling in American affairs by challenging a duly passed law. That is not a legitimate diplomatic endeavor.
Which raises the question: where are those so worried about Russian interference in U.S. elections hiding?
Besides that, “the Mexican community” as defined by the Mexican government includes all American citizens of Mexican heritage.
Worse still, Florida county and municipal officials are cooperating. They appear in the following photos with the Mexican meddlers, including Freddy Ramirez, Miami-Dade Police Director and Julio Guzman, Vice-Mayor of Homestead, FL.
It was a pleasure hosting @JchaitA, the Mexican Consul General and @vcalva, the Mexican Director General of Consular Protection and Strategic Planning, for a meeting this morning. Having discussions on important topics like immigration help build strong community partnerships.
— Alfredo "Freddy" Ramirez III (@AFreddyRamirez) June 6, 2023
Agradecemos el cálido recibimiento del Vicealcalde @CityofHomestead @JulioGuzman44 a la DG @vcalva y @ConsulMexMia @JchaitA. Apreciamos el interés para promover temas de interés común e impulsar una agenda de protección preventiva p/la comunidad🇲🇽migrante y trabajadores…
— ConsulMex Miami (@ConsulMexMia) June 6, 2023
The Mexican communique continued:
Meetings with various organizations focused on civil rights, human rights, legal rights, labor rights and migratory rights to create a state working group to promote the rights of the migrant community, to provide direct and authentic information about the initiative and to develop strategies for their protection and defense.
Translated from Treason Lobby jargon: “Rights of the migrant community” means “rights of the illegal alien community” — because foreigners who are legally living in Florida are unaffected, although their family members might be.
And note Mexican officials are developing “strategies” for the “protection and defense” of illegal aliens in Florida.
Participants included a Who’s Who of the Treason Lobby:
[T]he ACLU, the Florida Immigration Coalition, Americans for immigrant Justice, LULAC (League of United Latin Americans Citizens), ¡We Count!, Anti-Defamation League, My Family Votes, The Farmworkers Association of Florida, Hope Community Center, The Mexican Coalition of Florida, Amigos Helping, and the Mexican Chamber of Commerce of Jacksonville.
Calva’s tweet with a photo explained in English the “extraordinary meeting with key allies” in the Treason Lobby who will “proactively defend the rights of all people, regardless of their immigration status. [My emphasis] We stand ready!”
Extraordinary meeting with key allies in civil-immigrant rights in #Florida Their input is essential to complement @SRE_mx action plan in that state to proactively defend the rights of all people, regardless of their immigration status. We stand ready! @r_velascoa
— Vanessa Calva Ruiz (she/ella) (@vcalva) June 6, 2023
The goal is to challenge the Florida law: “These organizations also collaborated in the instrumentation of legal resources to challenge the law before the corresponding judicial instances, in which they will count on the support of the Mexican government.”
Mexico is waging lawfare and a propaganda campaign against Florida. From the communique:
The director general participated in various interviews with media on radio, TV and social platforms to inform people of the timely actions of preventive prevention carried out by the government of Mexico abroad and to make visible the attention and telephone service provided by the “Center of Information and Attention to Mexicans” in the U.S. and Canada (CIAM) 24 hours, seven days a week.
With Juan Sabines, the Consul of Orlando, they … reiterated that the consulates of Mexico are “safe zones” that have many tools to attend to our population, and that the priority of the government of Mexico is the protection and defense of the rights of all Mexicans [i.e., including Americans of Mexican heritage] abroad.
The significance of this meddling should not be underestimated. Mexico is violating the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, signed by most countries in the world, including both Mexico and the United States.
“Without prejudice to their privileges and immunities, it is the duty of all persons enjoying such privileges and immunities to respect the laws and regulations of the receiving State,” Article 55 says. “They also have a duty not to interfere in the internal affairs of the State.”
Governor DeSantis is one of the few American officials who has spoken against Mexican meddling. “Floridians won’t let their immigration laws be dictated by Mexico City,” he tweeted. “I’ll never back down from using the full weight of my office to protect the people of Florida by enforcing our immigration laws.”
Well said! But why no commentary about Calva’s tour? The governor’s staff members should have been aware of it. And if they aren’t, they should be now. Read!
Trump, and the other GOP candidates must also denounce this violation of an international treaty, as should any patriotic American — Democrat or Republican.
American sovereignty is not negotiable.
American citizen Allan Wall moved back to the U.S.A. in 2008 after many years residing in Mexico. Allan‘s wife is from Mexico and is now a U.S. citizen, their two sons are bilingual. In 2005, Allan served a tour of duty in Iraq with the Texas Army National Guard. His articles are archived here; his Border Hawk blog archive is here, his website is here.