
SAID IN SPANISH: Pomona CA Now Part Of Occupied America; Another Dreamer Delegation Trained In Treason In Mexico; A Mexican Governor’s Joke; etc.

By Allan Wall


My trawling through the Spanish-language media this month reveals that another California city has fallen to the Reconquistas (in this case, not even Mexicans); the Mexican government is continuing to push the DREAMER Trojan Horse — and a Mexican governor wants “indigenous women” — Mexican Indians — to wear clothes to bed. And more!

The Pride Of Pomona

Pomona, California of Los Angeles County was once known as "Queen of the Citrus Belt" and had one of the highest per-capita levels of income in the United States. Wikipedia says it was such an idealized example of middle class living, it was used as a location to preview movies before modally middle class audiences.

Today, the city is 70% Latino. In 2005, Pomona elected Norma Torres (below right)as mayor, the first woman of Guatemalan heritage to be elected to a mayoral post outside of Guatemala. She’s now a Congresswoman, where she boasts an F from Numbers USA. Her son Robert is a Pomona councilman.

La Opinión, our country’s biggest Spanish-language newspaper, notes, “For the first time since Pomona was incorporated as a city on January 6th, 1888, the city council is now totally composed (and officially) by representatives of Latino origin…” [En el Ayuntamiento de Pomona se habla español, (Pomona Town Hall Speaks Spanish)” by Alejandro Cano, December 16, 2016.]

Current mayor Tim Sandoval crows:

“It has been a long road but we are finally here… to have a council totally composed of persons of Latino origin gives us the opportunity to give a voice to the community and work to improve the quality of life for all.”
Does “the community” mean Pomona residents — or just the Latinos?

The mayor mentioned “quality of life for all” but why does he talk about “a long road,” “finally,” and “a council totally composed of persons of Latino origin?”

Another Dreamer Delegation Goes To Mexico

As reported previously, groups of DREAMers have repeatedly visited Mexico to “reconnect with their roots,” even though we are told incessantly they have lived most of their lives here and are essentially American.

This trips are not spontaneous. The Mexican foreign ministry (SRE) has a “Dreamers Without Borders” program managed by the Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior, in conjunction with an outfit called the “U.S.-Mexico Foundation” (USMF). The objective of the USMF is

to contribute to the empowerment of the Mexican community in the USA in promoting a sense of identity and of pride for the cultural heritage.
[n.b. — that’s the “cultural heritage” of Mexico].

The SRE website has a photo of DREAMers Without Borders visiting the Mexican Foreign Ministry and hobnobbing with Paulo Carreno, the SRE’S Subsecretary for North America, who recently met with the governors of Phoenix and Chicago. [La delegación 2016 de #dreamers visita la Cancillería (“The 2016 delegation of #dreamers visits the foreign ministry”) SRE blog, December 8, 2016].

In July of 2015, the program brought 30 DREAMers to Mexico. In 2016, they brought more than 75 DREAMers to Mexico. Each group stays in Mexico for a month.

Such a program cannot foster confidence about DREAMers identifying as Americans.

Speaker Of The House (Not Paul Ryan This Time) Stands Up For Illegal Aliens

Javier Bolanos Aguilar is (left) presidente of Mexico’s Cámara de Diputados, the equivalent of our Speaker of the House. Excelsior reports Bolanos has proposals “for protection of the Mexicans who reside in the United States”[ Analizan aumento al presupuesto a SRE para proteger a mexicanos en EU, (“They analyze the Budget of the SER to protect Mexicans in the U.S.”) by Vanessa Alemán and Tania Rosas, Excelsior, November 17, 2016].

As you might expect, in Mexican media-speak, “protection of Mexicans in the United States” means meddling on behalf of Mexican illegal aliens.

Bolanos wants to increase the budget of the Mexican Foreign Ministry if it’s necessary for protección de los mexicanos que radican en Estados Unidos — “protection of the Mexicans who reside in the United States.”

Bolanos also wants a closer relationship with American legislators, “Human Rights” organizations, and “mayors of [U.S.] cities with high concentrations of Latinos” to put together a “joint strategy of protection of the Mexicans.”

Sadly, the Mexican Speaker will have no problem finding such allies stateside.

Bolanos specifically wants closer ties with “mayors of the cities that today are known as sanctuaries, New York, Los Angeles and some others so they know they have the support to do what is considered necessary to protect the immigrants residing in those cities.”

Mexican politicians know all about America’s “sanctuary cities” and are glad to make common cause with their mayors to defy our federal law.

Another Mexican congressional leader, Francisco Martinez Neri, wants the Mexican Cámara de Diputados “to assume a more active role in regard to the menaces of the American magnate [our President-elect], through diplomatic relations of a broader scope” — a curious way of referring to Mexican meddling in the United States].

Note Martinez is with the PRD (Partido de la Revolución Democrática) while Bolanos is with the PAN (Partido Acción Nacional). The PRD is “Left-wing” and the PAN is “Right-wing”. But they both sing from the same sheet of music when it comes to “protección de los mexicanos que radican en Estados Unidos”.

More recently, Bolanos announced a program with the bulky title Diputada amiga, Diputado Amigo — “Friend Congresswoman, Friend Congressman.” This program amounts to the SRE putting the 50-strong Mexican consular network on American soil at the disposal of Mexican congressional representatives, so that they can, according to Excelsior:

… orient the connacionales [“fellow Mexicans,” in this context, illegal alien Mexicans in the U.S.] to the jurisdictions they can turn to in case their human rights are violated, especially starting in January, the month in which the Trump presidency begins.

Extienden programa 'Diputado amigo' a EU por efecto Trump, [“Extend Friend Congressman program to US for Trump Effect” by Tania Rosas, December 13, 2016]

Bolanos speechified about protecting his paisanos (“fellow countrymen” — here referring to Mexican illegals in the U.S.). and ensuring their “rights” are not violated by “those who… do not recognize the value that migration has.”

If only he similarly valued American sovereignty. Perhaps President Trump will force him to recognize it.

Mexican Foreign Minister Hobnobs In Washington

Claudia Ruiz Massieu, Mexico’s Foreign Minister, was recently in Washington D.C. on a trip designed to “strengthen the Mexican-U.S. relationship and to promote the well-being of the Mexican community in that country.” She met with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, Democratic Senator Ben Cardin, National Security Adviser Susan Rice, members of the Heritage Foundation.

She also attended a meeting of MCRAG (Mexican Civil Rights Advisory Group. ) At this meeting, she and her hosts “discussed ways to cooperate on the defense of the Mexican community in the United States” as well as how to use “all available resources to prevent the rights of our [Mexican] citizens, regardless of their immigration status, from being infringed upon” [La Canciller Ruiz Massieu realiza visita de trabajo a Washington, D.C (“Foreign Secretary Ruiz Massieu makes a working visit to Washington, D.C.”) SRE blog, December 15, 2016]

Even under Trump, the Mexican government still considers itself to have sovereignty over Mexican-Americans.

Mexican Governor On Fertility Of Indian Women And What They Should Wear To Bed

Meet Mexican governor Omar Fayad Meneses of Hidalgo, a state in central Mexico. Fayad is a politician of the PRI, President Pena Nieto’s party. The governor’s Arabic surname comes from his Lebanese father.

Fayad has served in both houses of the Mexican Congress and, like Pena Nieto, married an actress. In Fayad’s case she was Victoria Ruffo (right) proclaimed on her own website as “Queen of the Telenovelas.”

Speaking to “dozens of indigenous women” at a public ceremony in the municipio of Acaxochitlan, Governor Fayad joked about indigenous women having a lot of kids and said they should “sleep with clothing” so they stop having so many.

In context, it’s even more bizarre. The governor was at a public ceremony giving “ecological stoves” to “marginal communities” when he made the joke.

The woman who has the least has three [children], that’s why they wear out the stoves. I told them to sleep with clothing. They have many kids and the risk is that the kids burn when they leave the stoves outside of the hut.”

[Gobernador mexicano pide a mujeres indígenas que duerman con ropa porque “producen mucho chamaco, (“Mexican Governor Calls on Indigenous Women to sleep with clothes on because ‘they produce many children’”) La Opinión from Sin Embargo, December 16, 2016]

Making offensive jokes about the breeding habits of poor minorities is frowned upon in Politically Correct America. But at last report, Fayad was still in office.

American citizen Allan Wall (email him) moved back to the U.S.A. in 2008after many years residing in Mexico. Allan’s wife is Mexican, and their two sons are bilingual. In 2005, Allan served a tour of duty in Iraq with the Texas Army National Guard. His VDARE.com articles are archived here; his Mexidata.info articles are archived here; his News With Views columns are archived here; and his website is here.

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