By Allan Wall
Mexican President AMLO Continues To Make Nice
Mexican President AMLO recently met U.S. President Trump in Washington, and by all accounts things went off without a hitch [Amlo unscathed after Trump meeting but snags cameo role in US election, by David Agren, The Guardian, July 9, 2020].
As I’ve observed before, AMLO has consistently gone out of his way to treat Trump with respect. Prior to the visit, on July 4, the Mexican President congratulated all Americans and wished us a good holiday:
On a day like today, July 4, 1776, the American Congress proclaimed the independence of that great country, that great nation, the United States. President Thomas Jefferson was the one who wrote the Declaration of Independence of the United States. Therefore, this is a memorable day. We send greetings and congratulations to all the people of the United States, our neighbors, and their government.
[Anuncio de la reunión con Donald Trump (“Announcement of the Meeting with Donald Trump”), Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador YouTube Channel, July 4, 2020]
Note that AMLO refers to Jefferson as “President Thomas Jefferson”. Jefferson wasn’t president when he drafted the Declaration of Independence, though he was later (1801-1809). Maybe that’s what AMLO meant, or maybe not, I’m not sure. But at least he spoke respectfully and was not foaming at the mouth as he mentioned Thomas Jefferson, like some of our people.
Some of our people celebrated July 4 by rioting and burning the American flag [Protesters defy Donald Trump and risk ten years in jail as they throw Columbus statue into Baltimore harbor just hours after he called them ‘Nazis and terrorists’ in July Fourth address as protests break out across the US, by Reuters, Lauren Edmonds, and Karen Ruiz, Daily Mail, July 4, 2020].
That the Mexican President wants to get along with Trump is one of success stories of the Trump Administration. But where have you read this except on
New Caravan Started, Then Stopped Immediately, In Honduras
Despite the Chinese Virus Pandemic, a group of Hondurans just tried to revive the old Caravan Magic. But it didn’t get far.
This Tuesday, June 30, in the midst of the pandemic and the closing of borders, a group of Hondurans attempted to leave in a new caravan from San Pedro Sula. But within a few hours the authorities of that country dissolved it.
[Coronavirus: crisis que deja la pandemia empuja caravana migrante desde Honduras (“Coronavirus: The Pandemic Crisis Pushes Migrant Caravan from Honduras”), by Douglas Cuevas, Prensa Libre, July 1, 2020]
Thank you, Honduras!
“Las autoridades correspondientes no permitirán el paso derivado de las actuales disposiciones del marco de la pandemia covid — 19.”
— Prensa Libre (@prensa_libre) July 1, 2020
Virus regardless, people still want to head north and jump the border. According to Prensa Libre
The United States continues as the first option. The migrants want to travel to that country today despite the fact that it is the continental epicenter of the new coronavirus. Neither the racial conflicts, nor the high number of infected and dead from the disease stop those who seek opportunities of development that have not been given to them in their country.
Until the U.S. is totally ruined, people in Third World countries will continue coming.
We must remain vigilant on the border.
Mexican Health Workers Still Under Attack, Mexico No. 4 In Virus Deaths
Speaking of the virus, I reported in April that health workers in Mexico were being attacked. Those attacks continue, and now the Mexican Congress is discussing what to do about it, possibly including stiff prison sentences:
After the attacks that medical and nursing personnel have suffered, committees in the Senate and Chamber of Deputies are currently analyzing distinct legal proposals to establish sentences of 6-10 years in prison for anyone who attacks members of the health sector.
[Proponen hasta 10 años de cárcel a quien agreda a personal médico (“Up to Ten Years in Prison Proposed for Anyone Who Attacks Medical Personnel”), by Hector Figueroa, Excelsior, July 4, 2020]
☣🚨 Las comisiones de Salud y de Estudios Legislativos Segunda del Senado analizan reformar la Ley General de Salud.
— Excélsior (@Excelsior) July 5, 2020
As for the virus itself, Mexico now has 370,712 cases and 41,908 COVID-19 deaths, and is #4 in the world in the death count, Worldometer reports. Its death rate per million is 238, in contrast to 401 in the United States.
Can I Buy A House If I’m An Illegal Immigrant? SOLO DINERO Says Yes, And Here’s How
The Spanish-language website SoloDinero (“Just Money” — subtitled “How to Earn It, How to Take Care of It, How to Invest It”) calls itself “the only personal finance website in Spanish that is based in the United States.”(It’s a branch of the Impremedia corporation, which seems to be a subsidiary of Argentina’s conservative La Nacion newspaper group.)
The publication also brags that it “makes personal finance easy to understand for the Spanish-speaking Latino community in the United States.”
Random headlines include Ten Things You Should Know Before Obtaining Your First Credit Card, Ten Very Simple Ways of Reducing Monthly Car Expenses and Five Good Ways to Obtain Free or Very Cheap Legos.
But one helpful article taught illegals how to buy a home [¿Puedo comprar una casa aunque sea inmigrante indocumentado? (“Can I Buy a House Even Though I’m an Undocumented Immigrant?”), June 28, 2020].
“The simple answer is yes,” the article explained:
As an Undocumented Person you can obtain the Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), which allows you to file your tax return with the IRS, and it also makes it possible for you to acquire a house.”
Sure enough, the IRS explains the ITIN at its website:
An ITIN, or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, is a tax processing number only available for certain nonresident and resident aliens, their spouses, and dependents who cannot get a Social Security Number (SSN). It is a 9-digit number, beginning with the number “9,” formatted like an SSN (NNN-NN-NNNN).
[Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TIN), IRS Website, January 15, 2020]
Helpfully, the IRS page is available in Spanish and other languages. (Why?)
Solo Dinero also directs readers to three possible lenders:
Isn’t it great that Solo Dinero is giving such financial advice to illegal aliens?
Month Of May Sees Increase In Remittances To Mexico
Plenty of Mexicans in the U.S. are still sending money to Mexico.
Milenio reports that remittances in May were $3.4 billion, an 18.1 percent increase from April, even though the average remittance dipped from $329 to $319 [Gracias al Día de las Madres, remesas rompen pronósticos (“Thanks to Mother’s Day, Remittances Surpass Predictions”), by Karen Guzman, Milenio, July 1, 2020].
Remittances increased because of Mother’s Day, May 10 in Mexico, and a slight increase in employment among Mexicans here.
What happened to the idea that remittances should be taxed?
Afro-Latinos Complain On Univision
Remember how mass immigration was going to turn the United States into a vibrant Latin-style country where race didn’t matter?
It doesn’t seem to be working out that way.
In the age of the George Floyd riots, Univision recently broadcast a short video of black Latinos complaining that other Latinos are racist.
“Lo más doloroso es sentir el rechazo de otros latinos”: el doble racismo que sufren los afrolatinos via @UniNoticias
— JORGE RAMOS (@jorgeramosnews) June 30, 2020
In the midst of the anti-racism protests unleashed by the death of George Floyd at the hands of a policeman, various Afro-Latinos tell about their life between two worlds: “You are not black enough for the American blacks, and you are not Latino enough for the Latinos.”
[Lo más doloroso es sentir el rechazo de otros latinos”: el doble racismo que sufren los afrolatinos (“The most painful thing is to feel the rejection of other Latinos”: the double racism that Afro-Latinos suffer”), by Esther Poveda, Mauricio Rodriguez Ponsy and Estephani Cano, Univision, June 30, 2020].
Ain’t Diversity Grand?
American citizen Allan Wall (email him) moved back to the U.S.A. in 2008after many years residing in Mexico. Allan’s wife is Mexican, and their two sons are bilingual. In 2005, Allan served a tour of duty in Iraq with the Texas Army National Guard. His articles are archived here; his articles are archived here; his News With Views columns are archived here; and his website is here.