Said In Spanish | Where Trump Is Winning — Mexican Illegals Returning Home, Raising House Prices, Displacing Mexican Workers!

By Allan Wall


President Trump has already succeeded in making many Mexicans in the United States return to Mexico. This repatriation already began even before the inauguration. But evidence it is continuing is piling up.

The Main Stream Media likes to pretend mass immigration has no harmful effects on wages or housing costs in America. But, in an attempt to attack President Trump, it is willing to admit returning Mexicans will drive down wages in Mexico.

And the Mexican press now reports returning Mexicans are driving up housing costs in the state of Mexico (also known as Edomex), the country’s most populous state.

Due to the return, this year, of a high number of migrants to our country, the purchase of subsidized housing [by means of loans or a government subsidy] in the northeast zone of the State of Mexico, particularly in the municipios of Ecatepec and Nezahualcoyotl, has increased 20 per cent over 2016, reported the president of the AsociaciĂłn Mexicana de Profesionales Inmobiliarios in the northeast zone of the Estado de Mexico (AMPI-NOVA), Guillermo Isaac Castro Lopez.

[Por regreso de migrantes sube costo de vivienda en el Edomex “Due to return of migrants the housing costs have gone up in the State of Mexico,” Excelsior, May 8, 2017].

A municipio is like a cross between a city and a county. Ecatepec and Nezahualcoyotl are essentially suburbs of Mexico City.

(The new president of the association, Isaac Castro, just took an oath for the 2017-2018 term, so Excelsior shows five Mexican officials of the association performing a Nazi-like salute, a form of Mexican salute unconnected with WWII.

It freaks out Americans — although that’s how we did it before World War II, as I remember my father telling me.)

Said Castro: “Since the past January, an increase in the purchase of vivienda de interés social has been noted, under 500,000 pesos. …. in this northeast zone of the State of Mexico, most of the costs of housing vary in an average cost of 400,000 pesos.”

Nearly twenty percent more of these houses are being sold in comparison to last year, and also the housing in the State of Mexico has gotten more expensive, increasing 15-20% compared to 2016. Thus, even subsidized housing prices are increasing.

So Trump is having an effect. As has long predicted, if immigration laws are enforced, illegals go home.

Note too that the Mexicans who go back have somewhere to go, their home towns. And this is only a report from one region; migrants are returning to all regions of Mexico.

Much of this return migration is driven by expectations of future enforcement actions. But most of what Trump promised has not occurred. The Wall doesn’t exist; DACA is intact and taking new applicants. We need to keep up the pressure.

At the same time, as President Trump hopefully feels the heat from immigration patriots at home, the Mexican government is coming under pressure to do more for returning migrants. This is a good thing.

Of course, even before the inauguration, the Mexican government had implemented a program to provide aid. President Enrique Pena Nieto also personally received deportees at the airport in an unprecedented action [Mexican President’s Photo Op With Deported Migrants Backfires, by Tony Aranda, Breitbart, February 9, 2017].

The Mexican government has announced several other efforts to help returning migrants over the last few months.



Mexican Interior Minister Miguel Angel Osorio Chong announced the creation of 50,000 new jobs for deportees. There were few specifics, but curiously, Osorio Chong said the plan had been developed after negotiations with U. S. officials. Anyone know anything about this? [Anuncia Osorio Chong creaciĂłn de empleos para deportados, el Siglo de TorreĂłn, March 16, 2017]


A measure passed by the Mexican government in March is supposed to help integrate returning Mexicans into the Mexican educational system.

It has six points:

  1. ”Elimination and simplification of procedures.”
  2. “Integration and inclusion of migrants to education institutions…especially those students who don’t speak Spanish.” (My emphasis)
  3. “Certification of competencies and labor training.”
  4. “Certification and training for repatriados who are interested in serving as English teachers in normal schools (teacher schools). “
  5. Adult education.
  6. The use of modules at the “puntos de repatriación”, that is places where deported illegal aliens are repatriated to Mexico.

[Conoce los 6 puntos de la reforma en educaciĂłn para apoyar a 'dreamers', by Enrique Sanchez, Excelsior, March 21, 2017]


Mexicans know about the “sanctuary city” situation in the United States. Now Mexico City itself has been declared a “sanctuary city”. Excelsior reports:

Luis Wertman Zaslav, president of the Citizen Council of Mexico City, announced this morning [January 31] that the capital of the Republica would be converted into a “Sanctuary City” so that all the fellow Mexicans who return from the United States and attempt to live in the metropolis, or for those who have to pass through the city to arrive to where they are from.

[CDMX se declara 'Ciudad Santuario'; abren 'lĂ­nea migrante', January 31, 2017]

Despite what you might assume, this doesn’t mean Mexico City is a sanctuary city for non-Mexican illegal aliens in Mexico. They’re still not welcome. It means it’s a “sanctuary city” for Mexicans who return from the United States.

But they’re Mexicans, right? Why do they need special permission to go to Mexico City?

At least the authorities are thinking of repatriated Mexicans, complete with giving them a helpline for returnees, issuing credentials for the skills they practiced and providing identity documents.


Mexico’s Labor Secretary, Alfonso Navarrete Prida, recently signed a labor agreement with Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. It’s said to be the first such agreement between these countries in history and involves a modest exchange of guest workers.

Interestingly, Secretary Navarrete speaks openly about Mexican laborers who could be displaced by Central Americans and even by other Mexicans returning to Mexico:

  1. Navarrete on Central Americans:”…they speak the same language as us, and do the same jobs. But they come in conditions of vulnerability and their employers can hire them, and having this vulnerability, they can be hired at a lower wage and displace the Mexican population.”
  2. Navarrete on Returning Mexicans displacing Mexicans already in Mexico: “… to receive [returning] Mexicans, we will coordinate with the states, to support them in their return and reinsertion to the labor force and to support the Mexicans who are here, who would be displaced by labor who arrive with better qualifications, having worked in the United States and who have also the need of employment.”

[Impulsan acuerdo migratorio con Centroamérica, by David Vincenteno, Excelsior, March 18, 2017]

Bottom line: some interesting — and potentially positive — things are happening in Mexico. Mexican government officials realize they need to do more to help returnees, especially as it could become a political issue and the political parties compete to show who is doing more.

Of course, the Mexican government will continue to meddle in our immigration policy, especially as our government (even Trump) seems oblivious.

But if the Trump administration keeps up the pressure, Mexico will be forced to take back and then help their own people.

Americans are definitely not “tired of winning” — but here, at least, is a start.

American citizen Allan Wall (email him) moved back to the U.S.A. in 2008after many years residing in Mexico. Allan’s wife is Mexican, and their two sons are bilingual. In 2005, Allan served a tour of duty in Iraq with the Texas Army National Guard. His articles are archived here; his articles are archived here; his News With Views columns are archived here; and his website is here.

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