Schwarzenegger Sells Out On Health Insurance For Illegals
By Joe Guzzardi
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 59-37 percent crushing of Democrat Phil Angelides in last month’s election is translating into trouble for the state’s immigration reform advocates.
On December 1st, Schwarzenegger flew to Mexico to attend the inauguration of Mexican President-elect Felipe Calderon — Schwarzenegger’s second visit in four weeks to the country that is responsible for the majority of drug trafficking into the U.S.
And during Schwarzenegger’s first visit, he extended an invitation to Calderon to travel to California in the spring.
On the surface of it, these might be innocent enough gestures. After all, why shouldn’t the two elected officials have cordial relationships?
But things usually turn out to be more sinister than innocent.
And, according to the San Francisco Chronicle, Schwarzenegger has a grand agenda to offer health care to "non-citizens" and "undocumented workers." [ Noncitizens Key Issue in State’s Health Debate; GOP Balks At Covering Undocumented Workers, by Tom Chorneau, San Francisco Chronicle, November 30, 2006]
Although Schwarzenegger has not revealed the complete extent of his health plan, the governor commented last Sunday on Meet the Press, [Transcript]that his goal is to extend insurance coverage to all 6.7 million Californians who are without it — a figure that includes an estimated 1.6 million illegal aliens, according to figures from the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research…but not, of course, their American-born "anchor babies".
(Note: The Federation for American Immigration Reform, using recent Census data, established the illegal alien population in California at 2.2 million.)
And, backing up Schwarzenegger, Kim Belshé, the governor’s secretary of Health and Human Services, told the Chronicle that the debate over health care reform needs to include aliens:
"Uncompensated costs imposed by the medically indigent, including undocumented residents, place significant burdens on the state’s health care system, particularly emergency rooms. Any debate about California’s health care system demands examination of the impact of this population."
Fortunately, Schwarzenegger’s irresponsible plan faces heavy resistance.
Non-RINO Republicans in the State Assembly form a solid enough core to keep the Democrats from giving Schwarzenegger his way.
Among some of the most vocal are:
- Dick Ackerman, R-Irvine, the minority leader in the state Senate, said: "Immigration issues are radioactive in California — not just Republicans, but for many Democrats too."The cost is huge to California for illegal immigrants in medical costs, incarceration and education"
- Assemblyman Mike Villines, R-Clovis (Fresno County) and newly elected minority leader: "I don’t believe there would be any support for it. The health care debate — and it will be a debate — will be about what should be done for the legal citizens of California."
- Sen. David Cox, R-Fair Oaks (Sacramento County): "California is not responsible for paying for the medical care of the undocumented — people who are here illegally, period. We are not the health maintenance organization for Mexico."
In addition to debating about what medical care might cost or what compassionate treatment to illegal aliens might include, there are two other and larger questions.
Why does California insist on creating more magnets for illegal immigrants?
And why must our governors be agents for Mexico?
Joe Guzzardi is the Editor of Letters to the Editor. In addition, he is an English teacher at the Lodi Adult School and has been writing a weekly newspaper column since 1988. This column is exclusive to