Scott McConnell’s Buchanan Diary, August 6, 2000
Previous Buchanan Diaries and VDARE Invitation to Other Campaigns
On the second leg of the flight to LA and the Long Beach convention — bargain rate with a changeover in Nashville. Hook up with several of the campaign kids in the airport; seated next to Desiree, a nineteen-year-old Buchanan delegate minder, an apolitical college freshman this November when she tagged along with a friend to a Reform Party event in Oklahoma City and heard PJB speak. After several weeks volunteering, she came to Virginia and came on staff. She has spent most of the past months petitioning, Texas and North Carolina, Georgia and West Virginia, hard duty for a young woman.
Long Beach will be memorable. The last days have felt like preparing for landing on a strange and potentially hostile beachhead. LA suffers from a severe heat wave and electricity shortages, and fires rage in the nearby hills. (Note: should remind Pat to say something linking California’s demographic explosion, growing shortages in water and electricity, and high immigration.) The radical
wing of the Reform Party’s "wrecking crew" — Linda Muller’s coinage for the factions who would prefer to destroy the party rather than let PJB have the nomination — will surely be ready with hostile demonstrators, devious parliamentary maneuvers, possibly violent disruptions.
But we have the numbers, among the internally-elected party officials, and among the delegates.
When I think of the hundreds of Buchanan delegates who gave up weekend after weekend to get him on the ballot, traveled hither and yon to petition on their own credit cards, and are now joining us in Long Beach, I’m sure justice will prevail.
Arrive — and it’s cooler than I thought — a good omen.