Stealth Amnesty For Illegals Already Underway

By Sam Francis


The good news is that there probably won’t be any amnesty for illegal aliens in the near future — at least not one under that name and covering all illegals.

That’s more or less the implication of what Secretary of State Colin Powell told the press last week after talks with his Mexican counterpart on the immigration issue. Mexico wants an amnesty for the millions of Mexicans who have invaded this country, but the Administration has enough problems these days without pushing for one.

"I don’t expect that in the very near future we will see some omnibus solution to every element of the immigration problem," Mr. Powell said.

This brings us to the bad news.

The bad news is that it doesn’t really matter what Mr. Powell says or what the administration does about amnesty for illegals.

It doesn’t matter because amnesty is already taking place — not by government fiat or congressional legislation but by osmosis, if you will. This week a detailed report in the Washington Times explained how. [Special Report: Changes in the cards, by Mary Shaffrey, The Washington Times, September 7, 2003]

Gradually in several different states immigrants in this country illegally are obtaining documents from state governments or recognized by them that essentially legalize their presence inside the United States.

Once in possession of these documents, the aliens can take part in business and government transactions they are not supposed to be able to conduct.

The documents, in other words, constitute de facto amnesty, or as various commentators have called it, stealth amnesty.

Let us count the ways in which they do this.

This list doesn’t even begin to count the other ways in which illegals are being normalized and granted de facto amnesty, let alone the simple art of making or acquiring fraudulent documents.

The point is, neither Mexico nor the Administration has to do to anything to grant amnesty to illegals.

It’s already being granted, with neither the consent nor the knowledge nor the desire of the vast majority of Americans.


[Sam Francis is a nationally syndicated columnist. A selection of his columns, America Extinguished: Mass Immigration And The Disintegration Of American Culture, is now available from Americans For Immigration Control. Click here for Sam Francis' website.]

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