Ten Years After: Knoxville Horror A Tale Of Black Atrocity, MSM Lies, Justice System Failure — And Parental Agony

By Nicholas Stix



The Main Stream Media is working very hard right now to send down the Memory Hole the abduction and days-long torture of an 18-year-old disabled white man by four blacks (right)including one he pathetically thought was his friend, who (incredibly) livestreamed the atrocity on Facebook. Not coincidentally, there seems to be no national media coverage of this weekend’s tenth anniversary of an earlier stellar moment in American race relations and MSM malfeasance: what I have called “The Knoxville Horror,” the kidnap-gangrape-torture-murders in Knoxville TN, by yet another black gang, of white sweethearts Channon Christian, 21, and Christopher Newsom, 23

Channon was a senior sociology major at the University of Tennessee; Chris was a carpenter. Their families are sure they would have ended up married. But they were carjacked and kidnapped at gunpoint on January 7, 2007, and taken, bound and gagged, to the house where the gang was staying.

The details of what the gang, which included

Then did to Channon and Chris was so horrific that it’s common to get reactions like this, from then-Knox County District Attorney General Randy Nichols:
You start to wonder how someone could do this kind of stuff. What kind of person could do this to another human? It’s hard to get off of that. I’d been a prosecutor for a long, long time, so you’d think by then — and I used to say it — that nothing shocked me anymore.

Christian-Newsom: 10 Years Later, WBIR.com, January 6, 2017.

And yet the plain fact is that no-one should be “shocked.” These black-on-white atrocities are just a fact of life in today’s America. Chicago is just a minor case. There was an eerily similar black-on-white abduction-gangrape-murder in Wichita KS. seventeen years ago. And does anyone remember the Pearcy Massacre? Etc. etc.

Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom and were both tortured, raped and killed. Newsom was forced to hobble to nearby railroad tracks, his ankles tied, shot three times, and set on fire.


Prosecutors believe that it was Eric Boyd (right) who anally raped Newsom, because police had found male homosexual pornography on his cellphone. [Knox prosecutor doesn’t shut the door on future charges in torture slayings, by Jamie Satterfield, January 6, 2017]At least two of the killers implicated Boyd. But unlike them, he never made any self-incriminating statements, and there was no crime scene evidence tying him to the crimes. Boyd was caught harboring the fleeing Lemaricus Davidson in an abandoned house, and so all that the authorities could get him on was Accessory After The Fact.

It is because Boyd has not been prosecuted for murder, despite substantial circumstantial evidence, that the Newsom parents in particular still feel justice has not been served [10 years later Newsoms still seeking justice, by Robin Wilhoit, WBIR, January 6, 2017].

At George Thomas’ murder retrial in May 2013, I was present in court and saw the autopsy photos. Christopher Newsom’s body looked like roast meat.

Channon Christian’s vagina was black, due apparently to pooled blood. Although she had been raped repeatedly, orally, vaginally, and anally, Knox County Medical Examiner Darinka Mileusnic-Polchan testified that the horrific injuries in her vaginal area were due not to rape, but to some person or persons repeatedly kicking and beating her with a blunt object. [Medical examiner begins graphic description of couple’s injuries, by Jamie Satterfield, Knoxville News, April 14, 2008]Prosecutors believe that that person was Vanessa Coleman.

While Coleman was a fugitive, she celebrated her crimes in her diary thusly:MUMfACihTpUGOwW-800x450-noPad

… "I know exactly whats goin on."

"lets talk about Adventures! I've had one HELL OF AN ADVENTURE since I've been in the big T.N. its a crazy world these days! But I love the fun adventures & lessons that I've learned."


Reporter’s notebook: Prosecutors say journal showed Vanessa Coleman not upset, By Jamie Satterfield of the Knoxville News Sentinel, November 18, 2012

Coleman’s “fun adventures and lessons” consisted, in their entirety, of her participation in the gang rape, torture, and murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. So much for the disgusting contention by Coleman, her attorneys, and her family that she was a prisoner, and as much a victim as Channon Christian.

Coleman’s father, Greg Coleman, has called for his daughter to be freed, and for Davidson’s ex-girlfriend, Daphne Sutton, to be prosecuted in her place. [EXCLUSIVE: Vanessa Coleman’s father talks about daughter, By Mario Boone and Nick Bona, WVLT,Jul 31, 2010] Unlike Coleman, Sutton had nothing to do with the kidnapping, rapes, tortures, or murders. Greg Coleman has only one reason for seeking to railroad Sutton: She’s white.

Three judges have presided so far over the incredible six state trials and retrials — an unthinkable experience for the Christian and Newsom parents. They are: Richard Baumgartner, Jon Kerry Blackwood, and Walter Kurtz.

Although all three jurists reportedly ran a professional courtroom, my view is that they all worked to thwart justice — specifically, to avoid death penalties. They did this by busing in jurors from Davidson County, whose demographics are three times as black as Knox County. These were all death-penalty-eligible trials, and blacks routinely lie during voir dire about their willingness to vote for the death penalty under proper circumstances. They know that if they told the truth, they’d be excused.

After the first four trials, Judge Richard Baumgartner (right) was caught in a scandal worthy of a David E. Kelley TV script: consorting sexually in chambers with a probationer under his supervision, who was supplying him with drugs. Baumgartner was removed from the case, prosecuted, convicted, disbarred, and sent to federal prison for six months.

But then Baumgartner’s replacement, Judge Jon Kerry Blackwood, went crazy, and ordered new trials for all four state defendants (Davidson, Cobbins, Thomas and Coleman), all of whom had been convicted in Judge Baumgartner’s courtroom.

There was no justification for this. As Chris Newsom’s father, Hugh told me during George Thomas’ May 2013 retrial, he had seen nothing untoward in Judge Baumgartner’s handling of the four trials, regardless of his other activities.

Judge Blackwood seemed motivated by the notion: “It ain’t over, ‘til the black felon wins.”

The repeated trials were already breaking the budget for the Knox County District Attorney General’s office and court, and were making a mockery of justice.

Finally, Knox County DAG Nichols went over Judge Blackwood’s head to the Tennessee Supreme Court, which replaced him with Judge Walter Kurtz. However, the damage was done. Coleman and Thomas were convicted at their retrials, but got reduced sentences (see below)

Vanessa Coleman was denied parole in December, 2014, but will again be eligible for parole in 2020.

The Main Stream Media

The MSM have been their usual, evil selves. The national MSM largely ignored the atrocity, except when seeking to vilify supporters of the victims.(When Donald Trump brought the “Angel Moms” — mothers of the victims of illegal alien killers — on stage at his rallies, Josh Marshall called it “Trump’s Blood Libel.”[TPM, September 2, 2016])

Thus area Associated Press operative Duncan Mansfield sought to depict Channon Christian’s father, Gary, as a white supremacist:

“Christian’s father, Gary Christian, wore a Confederate flag T-shirt — a symbol of the Old South where slavery was rifre [sic] — to the first hearing for one of the defendants and then pointed at the man as if firing a gun.”

Critics say the liberal news media are ignoring Knoxville, Tennessee, couple slaying, The Associated Press, Friday, May 18, 2007

An installment of CNN’s Paula Zahn Show in 2007 both vilified and plagiarized this writer.[ Paula Zahn, CNN, May 29, 2007]

At Vanessa Coleman’s first trial, my associate “David in TN” witnessed black WVLT-TV reporter Mario Boone try to sucker Gary Christian into participating in a media moral equivalence ritual, whereby a media operative degrades the white parent of a hate crime victim violated by racist blacks into forgiving the perpetrators. Boone tried to arrange a meeting between Christian and his wife and Vanessa Coleman’s parents.

Christian had the strength of character to refuse.

Such moral outrages are part of the package when you hire morally and professionally unfit blacks to be journalists under Affirmative Action.

The writer who has written more than anyone on this case is Jamie Satterfield of the Knoxville News Sentinel. Early on, Satterfield vilified supporters of the victims as white supremacists and manipulated the parents into denouncing these supporters.

However, Hugh Newsom eventually went off the reservation, and has maintained for years that the attack may not have started out as racially motivated, but became that during the atrocity. He told Mike Pelletier, author of the 2015 book Knoxville’s Endless Nightmare: The Christian-Newsom Murders, “That’s bulls — t. It was racial. It was five blacks on two whites.”

Satterfield has asserted: “Racial differences have never been suggested as a motivator for what authorities view as a random carjacking.”

This is a flat-out lie. I and many others have repeatedly suggested just that, and Jamie Satterfield knows it.

Satterfield once boasted to me that the Knoxville police returns her calls, whereas not one of my queries has ever been answered. (Ask them why not.) Needless to say, this is why.

In 2009, the Knoxville News Sentinel produced a phony “documentary” on the Horror, whose sole purpose was clearly to mislead viewers into believing that race played no role in the crime.

America’s problem is not just that these black-on-white atrocities keep happening. It’s that the MSM lies about them — and the justice system cannot handle them, and in effect punishes the victims and their families.

This cannot go on.

The Known Defendants, and Their Current Status

American Renaissance Editor-Publisher Jared Taylor honored me by asking me to investigate the crime. After Jared published my first reports (here and here), my VDARE.com Editor Peter Brimelow, started assigning me to continue covering the case. I am immensely grateful to both men for paying me to work this case.

Nicholas Stix is a New York City-based journalist and researcher, much of whose work focuses on the nexus of race, crime, and education. He spent much of the 1990s teaching college in New York and New Jersey. His work has appeared in Chronicles, The New York Post, Weekly Standard, Daily News, New York Newsday, American Renaissance, Academic Questions, Ideas on Liberty and many other publications. Stix was the project director and principal author of the NPI report, The State of White America-2007. He blogs at Nicholas Stix, Uncensored.

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