Thank You & Happy New Year!
I’ll post another update when I get our final numbers, but I don’t want to wait any longer to say: THANK YOU!
The conclusion of our biggest fundraising period of 2015, the Year-End Appeal, was midnight last night. Not only is the Year-End Appeal our biggest push annually, but 2015’s appeal has earned a place in the fundraising record books. Our goal was $100,000, more than twice what we’ve brought in during a single appeal in the past.
Not only did we meet our goal–WE SURPASSED IT!
As of this writing we have a total of $105,047, and I haven’t picked up the mail since 12/30 — plus many checks will trickle in during the next week or so depending on when they hit the mailbox. For those of you that were distracted yesterday, just remember that to give tax-deductible for 2015 your checks must be dated 12/31/15 or earlier, regardless of when we actually process them.
The theme of this year’s fundraiser was “Money Talks” and as evidenced by this incredible response,, the voice of the historic American nation, is getting louder and louder!