
The 2005 Sierra Series, by Brenda Walker: Sierra Stalinists Prepare To Purge…Me!

By Brenda Walker


[See also: Democracy Has Day In Court, and Sierra Club Puppeteer — Long-Suspected Scandal Revealed]

[2004 Series: Save The Sierra Club, The Sierra Staff Strikes Back, Sierra Club Stalinists, and The Sierra Club Toxifies Itself]

Regular VDARE.com readers will recall that last spring Sierra Club kingpin Carl Pope told the Fresno Bee that he intended to excommunicate me because of the politically incorrect content of my VDARE.com columns, in particular my opposition to more Hmong immigration. ("Hmong, Sierra Club hold peace talk: Groups meet in Fresno to discuss immigration policy, 'hateful' remark," by Diana Marcum, April 7, 2004).

At the time I figured it was an absurd but politically expedient threat.

So I was surprised when, a couple of months ago, I received a certified letter from the Sierra Club notifying me of my "transgressions" against multiculturalism including the use of "racial slurs."

It irks the Sierra thought cops that I have the audacity to speak against Club orthodoxy, insisting as I do that (1) America is overpopulated according to any environmental measure, and (2) The Pollyanna approach to multiculturalism, the accompanying rationale of open borders, is a failed and ridiculous belief system.

Pope’s motive was obvious. With a Sierra Board election coming up, the Old Guard would love to brag that it has expelled a former member (Me!) of SUSPS, a group formerly known as the "Sierrans for US Population Stabilization."

During last year’s farcical election, operatives representing the Old Guard smeared board candidates Dick Lamm and Frank Morris as part of a right-wing cabal of anti-immigrants.

This despite the well-known facts that Lamm is the former Democratic governor of Colorado who helped found his University of California NAACP, and Morris once headed the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation.

As we learned in the recent Sierra Club funding scandal, Pope has a lot on the line, namely his access to the fabulous wealth of open-borders zealot and Wall Street investor David Gelbaum.

Gelbaum has already donated over $100 million to the Sierra Club with the stipulation: "I did tell Carl Pope in 1994 or 1995 that if they ever came out anti-immigration, they would never get a dollar from me."

And as darkness follows sunset, two years later the Sierra Club reversed its long-standing policy that America’s exploding domestic population should be curbed first before the club tackled global overpopulation challenges.

My letter from the Sierra Club opened with the accusatory,

"It is reported that your public statements, your web site, your postings to VDARE.com, and your reactions to the immigration debate in the Sierra Club are replete with examples of ethnically and racially derogatory language. We do not welcome members in the Club who engage in this behavior."

This particularly interested me because top mouthpieces of the Sierra Club criticize other cultures without hesitation.

Pope himself has been harsh in his description of Indian society, based upon his time there in the Peace Corp, unsuccessfully promoting birth control.

In his 1971 book Sahib, An American Misadventure in India, he noted, "The traditions of Hindu patriarchy, Muslim purdah, and Victorian stuffiness insure that most men never deal with any woman as friend or equal."

Pope later found Indian culture divorced from civic involvement:

"Indians are committed more to their families, castes, and religions than to an abstract public. Their homes are immaculately clean inside-but litter begins on the doorstep, even in prosperous areas, and the owners of new villas rent out their garden walls as billboards."

Yet Pope wrote a truly seething article for Club publications about me as a carrier of the "virus of hate."

He cited my collection of photos and stories of crime victims of illegal aliens on my own website, www.immigration’sHumanCost.org. He objects to my respectful tribute to murdered cops, dead children and others lost because of America’s open borders. In Carl Pope’s worldview, remembrances of victims and their grieving families constitute "hate."

Similarly, former Sierra Club director Michael Dorsey went apoplectic about Gov. Lamm (D-CO), saying

"Dick Lamm is the David Duke of the environmental movement. This is not about immigration. This is about a threat to democracy, to humanity. These are proto-fascists. We know for a fact that they have ties to neo-Nazis. We know the neo-Nazis in this country are talking to neo-Nazis in Europe."

In another example of irresponsible speech, Michael Dorsey celebrated attempted murder on his weblog when he retitled an article about the October automobile attack on former Florida Secretary of State Republican Katherine Harris: MAN ATTEMPTS TO RUN DOWN HARRIS, 4 YRS TOO LATE.

Dorsey also reportedly threatened to work for the destruction of the Sierra Club if the pro-borders candidates won:

"I will be damned if some two-bit anti-immigrant yahoos are going to take the Club — and note this, if they win, I will then work to personally help to put an end to the Club — since if this new slate takes over, the Club will need to come to an end. You've been warned."

This is from a former director, who was the #1 runner up in last year’s election.

But to the Sierra Club, Dorsey is okay and I need to be excommunicated.

Go figure!

This hostile and extremist mindset is common in the Club hierarchy. A disgusted former member of the Sierra Club Population Committee has said he knew he was in the wrong group when the Chair repeatedly called certain board candidates "enemies."

I’m listing below a few of the items in the Sierra complaints against me, chosen for the clarity and brevity of their idiocy.

Here are some examples of this derogatory language:

(a) "So will thousands of drug-addicted polygamists be welcomed into America?" Comment on proposals to admit additional Hmong refugees to the United States, quoted in the New York Times from writings on her web-site.

(b) "The Hmong were hmiffed. And they are notorious bullies, sending scores of emails in an effort to get my VDARE.com colleague Joe Guzzardi fired after he innocently noted their Neanderthal attitude to women, as revealed in his English as a Second Language class." Response to Hmong protests over this comment, posted by her on the VDARE web site.

(c) "Taliban USA? Moslems Target American Democracy" title of an article on Ms Walker’s web-site www.limitstogrowth. Among the comments in this article are: "Any further violence will be the result of Congress' foolish immigration policy of admitting groups who hate America. Indeed, many of these cultures are fundamentally opposed to democracy."

(e) On Ms. Walker’s web-site she has posted a picture of the World Trade Center burning, and captioned it "the inevitable result of Open Borders," in a clear and unequivocal attempt to argue that Muslim immigration is the source of terrorism, in spite of the fact that none of the pilots in the attack on the World Trade Center were actually immigrants to the US. They were terrorists who had entered the country, some legal and some illegally, temporarily.

(h) "Presumably based on the highly questionable idea that all cultures are equal …, not only has the lottery imported criminal behavior … it has also eased the entry of several recent terror suspects. … The visa lottery welcomes groups for whom the social norms include slavery, female genital mutilation, forcibly arranged marriages and other horrors." (This is from my article in the Washington Times, 9/5/02).

(i) "Multiculturalism can be seen as a fraud … It supports the continuation of the monstrous crimes against women … . The false ideology of multiculturalism with its accusation of racism against anyone who will not submit has intimidated Americans into believing it is desirable to welcome millions of immigrants from cultures which consider women inferior … the absurd preference for third world cultures in our immigration policy amounts to importing sexism … ." This article is then followed by a long list of articles depicting various aspects of the plight of human rights for women in the world. All of these examples are targeted at third world Nations and their immigrants to the US or Europe.

Of course, all this is free comment and only shocking to bigoted leftists. The "charges" against me are, by any measure, weak.

Many of the Sierra Club complaints involve my examination of the social inequality of women in cultures where women are perceived as lesser beings. I am hardly the first to comment on this subject.

And by denouncing me for my gender analysis, the Sierra Club Old Guard confirms that multiculturalism is more important to it than the rights of women.

I stand firm that misogynous immigration presents a great danger to American women.

At this writing, I have denied all charges against me and have insisted to the relevant committee that if the Sierra Club intends to excommunicate me, then it must follow the standing rules for terminating my membership — something which it has not done.

We shall see whether the truth prevails in my ongoing battle with the Sierra Club.

P.S. Since Carl Pope had his Hmong hmeeting at which he announced his intention to expel me, Hmong have been implicated in one mass-murder and a TB outbreak. Somehow, he doesn’t seem to have noticed.

After writing this article, Brenda Walker ate a madeleine and fell into a reverie about what a Sierra Club re-education camp might be like. When she awoke from the nightmare, she went back to work on her websites LimitsToGrowth.org and ImmigationsHumanCost.org.

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