The Bush Bust: We (Ahem!) Told You So!

By Steve Sailer


The Bush Administration is currently imploding on multiple fronts.

Well, either that or make them all legal aliens. Or something. The details haven’t all been revealed yet. But, after all, if you can’t trust George W. Bush to enforce the immigration laws …

Having burned his base on border security for nearly five years — and for over four years since 9/11! — nobody seems willing to give Bush any more credence.

Bush’s approval rating continues its natural course downward, now descending into deeply negative territory.

Here at we'd like to take this opportunity to mention:

We told you so.

For years, since well before 9/11, we've been a rare independent voice telling you that George W. Bush, Karl Rove, and the whole gang were men of both poor character and poor judgment.

We knew that they were interested neither in what was good for the American people, nor knowledgeable about what was what was good for the Republican Party.

Why? Because their immigration policy has always been ludicrous.

But the mainstream media was too biased on the topic to notice.

The Washington press corps wants cheaper nannies, pool guys, and busboys. And if the laws of the land have to be spit upon and the American working class pauperized to get them, well, that’s a sacrifice the media class is willing to make.

Here at, we immediately pointed out that Bush’s Open Borders plan of January 7, 2004 was not just an amnesty for current illegal aliens, but an invitation to all six billion foreigners on Earth to move to America if they could obtain a job offer at $5.15 per hour. (The minimum wage…for now.)

But the rest of the media barely mentioned the most radical plan to social engineering this nation ever proposed by a United States President.

The Bush Administration has presided over an unprecedented four consecutive years of increases in the poverty rate. But you'll almost never see the word "immigration" appear in articles about the economy. Ed Rubenstein of has been alone in documenting that a ridiculous fraction of the all the new jobs in the economy have gone to illegal immigrants.

And just wait for Bush’s taxpayer-financed dollar rebuilding of New Orleans by illegal immigrants. That iconic American city will become a permanent outpost of Mexico.

But don’t expect Bush to learn any lessons form his current travails. Even if he is forced to kick Rove to the curb, Bush’s personal obsession with Mexicanizing America will continue.

The AP reported Friday:

"The consulting firm jointly headed by one possible Rove replacement, GOP strategist Ed Gillespie, has begun considering how Gillespie’s clients might be reassigned if he were tapped for a White House assignment and how to handle the other ramifications of a White House move."

Gillespie is one of the chief bagmen for the campaign Bush launched this summer to shake down big corporations for up to $250,000 to fund his open borders campaign.

The Bush family has long been on terms of intimacy with their counterparts in Mexico’s corrupt power elite.

Like many of us, they look to Latin America and see America’s future.

Unlike the rest of us, the Bushes seem to like what they see.

[Steve Sailer is founder of the Human Biodiversity Institute and movie critic for The American Conservative. His website features his daily blog.]

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