The Fulford File, By James Fulford | Independence Day Under Immigration Attack

By James Fulford


Every year it seems that Independence Day is more and more about immigration — at least in the MainStream Media (MSM).

A typical ABC News story from South Carolina

Newest U.S. citizens take oath

July 01, 2011

"CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCIV) — As the nation celebrates its 235th birthday, the newest United States citizens will celebrate Independence Day for the first time as Americans.

"More than 50 people took the Oath of Allegiance at Middleton Place on Friday.

"The ceremony is part of United States Citizenship and Immigration Service’s annual Independence Day celebration. Nearly 2,300 candidates will become American citizens at about 30 ceremonies around the world.

"It was a major achievement for the men and women who came from all over the world to the U.S. for a better life.

"If I’m going to work and live in America I might as well make myself an American," Kareem Phillips said.

"Kareem Phillips has been in Charleston for three years as an active member of the Air Force. Now he will continue his service as a U.S. citizen.[More, links added.]

That’s just your marginally disloyal MSM, but the alternative left wing media is in full-on treason mode. On, "the country’s first and largest national collaboration and advocate of 2000 ethnic news organizations, Iranian immigrant Behrouz Saba writes like this

Crossing the Border: Immigration & the Founding Fathers, NewAmericaMedia, July 3, 2011

This is standard stuff on the pro-immigrant left — but at least Berouz admits that the illegal immigration crisis is a " conflict which touches upon America’s very national identity ", which is exactly what we've been telling you.

Remember that conflict will still exist when you've finished celebrating America’s Independence, and come back from the barbecue and the weekend’s "shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations " as John Adams promised on the very first Independence Day, and come back ready to fight to keep America independent.

Happy Independence Day to all readers!

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