The Fulford File | Mexico’s Moaning Elites Whiter Than Either U.S. Immigrants Or Hispanic Congressional Caucus

By James Fulford


Allan Wall’s SAID IN SPANISH: Mexican Elite In Tailspin After Trump’s Triumphant Visit, Speech reported the response of Mexico’s elite politicians and pundits to the visit of Donald Trump to Mexico. You may remember that Trump, announcing his candidacy, said

"When Mexico sends its people, they are not sending their best. They are not sending you. They are sending people that have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems to us. They are bringing drugs and they are bringing crime, and they’re rapists.”

Here are six pictures of Mexico’s elite from Allan Wall’s column.


A party president, a columnist and editor, a failed male presidential candidate, the wife of another, a failed female presidential candidate, and a former Foreign Minister — the equivalent of a Secretary of State.

What do you notice about them? The answer: they're extremely white. They're certainly much whiter than many of the people who fill the same roles in the United States. For example, America’s current President and First Lady are black, and America has already had two black Secretaries Of State. We even have black (and Mexican) pundits. Of course, the Mexican politicians and pundits above are also much whiter than most Mexicans, as is common with Mexico’s elite. See Steve Sailer's series of articles from the year 2000:

Not only do many of Mexico’s elite not stem from indigenous stock, many of the aren’t even Spanish. In a column about Mexican Ambassador Arturo Sarukhan (Armenian) I mentioned

The pictures above include Enrique Krauze and Jorge Castaneda Gutman, both of whom are descended from Jewish refugees from Poland.

What do you notice about these legislators, selected from a gallery of the US Congress Hispanic Caucus? Below, Representatives Raúl Grijalva, Luis Gutiérrez, Raul Ruiz, Joaquin Castro, Nydia Velázquez and Norma Torres. The accented ú, é, and á in those names are just showing off a lack of assimilation. (Not by me, by the Hispanic Caucus’s official web page.)

Raul Grijalva Luis Gutierrez

They look like actual Mexicans. Many of them would say "I’m a Mexican" if asked something like "What is your heritage?" (Luis Gutierrez is actually Puerto-Rican. Quote from him: “I have only one loyalty,and that’s to the immigrant community.”) It’s only when Trump says that a Mexican-American is a Mexican that it’s a Hate Crime.

So what we're seeing is that people like Arizona Congressman Raul Grijalva, at the top left, may be more successful being disloyal Americans than they would be if they or their parents had stayed home being loyal Mexicans. But Mexico’s white stay-at-home elite are patriotically outraged at Trump’s criticism of the illegals, who, he said were "bringing drugs … bringing crime, and they’re rapists.” Let’s look at one more picture — a group even less white and European than America’s Hispanic Congressional Caucus. The collage of below is from Dave Gibson at — the rapists you've been hearing about. illegalimmigrants

During the month of December 2014, there were 94 illegal aliens charged with 518 various counts of sexual assault against North Carolina’s children, according to the citizens advocacy group known as NCFIRE.

The charges range from the manufacturing of child pornography, to the rape of a 5-year-old girl, and even incest. In one incident, a 4-year-old boy was molested by a 25-year-old Mexican national, while he was attending a birthday party.

View the sickening report in its entirety…

Illegal Aliens Committed 500 Child Sexual Assaults in North Carolina During January, Feb 23, 2015

Above, I've pictured the top three rows of Gibson’s collage — the whole thing is nine by twelve, and represents only one month, in one state.

Guess what? They look like "actual Mexicans" too.

James Fulford is a writer and editor for

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