
THE FULFORD FILE: Sir Mo Farah And Modern-Day Slavery — All Of It Committed By Immigrants

By James Fulford


Earlier (2017) The Immigrants Who Bring Their Slaves To America, And The Press That Doesn’t Want You To Know

Sir Mo Farah is a Somalia-born citizen of the United Kingdom who won Olympic Gold twice for the UK — which is basically the reason he’s Sir Mo Farah (“created a Knight Bachelor for services to athletics"). He was brought to the U.K. from Djibouti in at the age of nine in 1991. And he revealed in 2022 that he was brought under a false name and “trafficked” i.e. sold as a slave — it wasn’t his parents who brought him — and forced to work in the UK [Sir Mo Farah reveals he was trafficked to the UK as a child, BBC, July 16, 2022].

American Conservative editor Helen Andrew’s comment is accurate:

The word "trafficked" makes it sound like this is a story about immigration fraud, when it’s really about slavery. There are more slaves in Britain today than there were when Lord Mansfield set James Somerset free in 1772. https://t.co/MyRccnUwew

— Helen Andrews (@herandrews) July 12, 2022

The 1772 case, decided by Lord Mansfield Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales was Somerset v Stewart, in which James Somerset’s owner had brought him to England, where he had escaped.

Mansfield ruled that slavery did not exist in England: it wasn’t in the Common Law, and Parliament hadn’t established it by law. He wrote:

The state of slavery is of such a nature, that it is incapable of being introduced on any reasons, moral or political; but only positive law, which preserves its force long after the reasons, occasion, and time itself from whence it was created, is erased from memory: it’s so odious, that nothing can be suffered to support it but positive law. Whatever inconveniences, therefore, may follow from a decision, I cannot say this case is allowed or approved by the law of England; and therefore the black must be discharged.

[Somerset v Stewart, King’s Bench, June 22, 1772]

On the British panel/quiz show QI, in the episode Series H, Episode 9 — House And Home in 2010, asks (at 34:05 below) Stephen Fry asks “When did slavery become a criminal offence in England?”

And Alan Davies guesses “It was one of these odd little New Labour laws, in about 1996, '97, '98.”

Fry goes on to add:

It was 1807 when the slave trade was ended, and then finally, in 1834, it was illegal anywhere in the British Empire to own a slave.

It has never been illegal to have a slave in England until April 2010.

The point is it was never illegal in England because it was never recognized as a state of being.

There were laws against kidnapping and abduction, and false imprisonment, and sexual trafficking and all that we might associate, though it was not illegal for one human to own another human, which it now is.

The book of the QI series has more

Now, Section 71 of the Coroners and Justice Act (which came into force on 6 April 2010) makes it an offence in the UK, punishable by up to fourteen years’ imprisonment, to hold a person in ‘slavery or servitude’. …

You might think slavery is a thing of the past and isn’t relevant to modern Britain, but there are more slaves in the world now — 27 million of them — than were ever seized from Africa in the 400 years of the transatlantic slave trade. And forced labour, using migrant workers effectively as slaves (and also outlawed by the Act), is widespread in Britain today.

QI — The Second Book Of General Ignorance, 2010

And UK law has since been updated — because slavery remains a problem in Britain — with the Modern Slavery Act of 2015. The thing is, none of this is caused by white Jamaican planters bringing their slaves to England, as in Lord Mansfield’s case above — slavery is illegal throughout the British Commonwealth.

But it’s rife in Africa!

Farah is a Somalian by birth, and so were the couple who brought him to England on fake documents and forced him to work.

As I’ve said before about the history of slavery in America, that while large parts of America once had slavery, it’s not essentially an American idea, it’s an African idea. It still goes on in Africa, and America is where a Civil War was fought to stop it. American slave traders bought slaves in Africa not because they either liked or disliked Africans, but because it was the only place in the world where people were for sale.

It still is.

A British barrister (= trial lawyer) interviewed for a documentary on Farah pointed out that his citizenship had been obtained by fraud, so he could technically be deprived of it. But Britain’s Home Office said that it wouldn’t be, not because of the knighthood and the Olympic gold, but because Farah was nine when it happened, and thus unable to do anything about it. Home Office officials told the BBC that they “assumed a child was not complicit when citizenship was gained by deception.”

This is the same point made by people who want to give citizenship to the so-called “DREAMers” — illegals allegedly brought to the US as children — that their years of illegal residence were not their choice, but their parents’ choice (or the choice whoever arrived with them claiming to be their parents — see Biden Mob Abolishes Border DNA Tests To Facilitate Family Fraud — And Child Prostitution?).

But the BBC makes no mention of the people who arrived with Farah in tow being caught and punished…or deported. It just says they are still in the U.K., but don’t want to talk.

Similarly, Treason Lobbyists who want to legalize the “DREAMers” don’t want to punish or deport the parents who brought them here.

The point I want to make: slavery in modern Britain and in America is almost always an immigrant phenomenon, not only for the victims, but the perpetrators. You wouldn’t know this from reading the cases that show up in the Regime Media — because of its reluctance ever to say anything bad about an immigrant, the victim is always referred to as an immigrant, but the slavers are referred to as, for example, a “Texas Couple,” a “San Diego Couple,” or a “Long Island Couple”. (Why couples? Because domestic slaves, like regular housekeepers, are most likely to be in married households.)

In June 2017, the Atlantic Magazine published a posthumous article by a Filipino-American titled “My Family’s Slave” The author was a member of a family of Filipino immigrants who actually owned a Filipino immigrant woman named Eudocia Pulido as a slave, not in the Philippines, but in the United States — for fifty-six years.

I wrote about this [The Immigrants Who Bring Their Slaves To America, And The Press That Doesn’t Want You To Know] and we have, in our “Immigrants Committing Slavery” category, some 56 (FIFTY-SIX) items.

Here’s a brief list:

That’s why I posted On World Trafficking Day, Remember That Slavery In Modern America Is An Immigrant Activity earlier this year.

You’ll notice that these are almost all people from places where slavery or peonage is common. They are enslaving their own people, or bringing their slaves with them from overseas.

However, there’s an even more disturbing trend, notable in England where they’ve had mass Muslim immigration for years: white slavery.

In a post called White Slavery Is Back in England, November 18, 2017, Steve Sailer noted a New York Times story saying

… A report by a British government commission on modern slavery and human trafficking, released last month, described a sprawling practice that ensnares tens of thousands of people in Britain.

Many are immigrants. But the high number of victims from Britain was an unexpected shock — cases involving British citizens like the teenage girl were the third-largest grouping, after those involving Albanians or Vietnamese.

A majority of child-trafficking victims were also found to be British. …

“We kind of let it slip that we have vulnerable people in our own communities,” Kevin Hyland, Britain’s first independent antislavery commissioner, said in an interview. …

Then, during the school holidays in July last year, the teenager disappeared. It was not until seven months later, after her mother said she had resigned herself to the fact that her daughter might be dead, that a detective told her that she had been kidnapped and enslaved.

“Enslaved?” the mother, whose identity is also being concealed to protect her daughter, recalled asking the officer. “I just kept repeating that word. I didn’t understand it,” she said in a London park where she often goes to try to manage a panic disorder that developed after her daughter’s disappearance.

During the months when her daughter was missing, “I thought about every possible scenario that could have happened to her,” her mother said. “But slavery? I didn’t even know that happened in England.”

Slavery Ensnares Thousands in U.K. Here’s One Teenage Girl’s Story. By Ceylan Yeginsu, November. 18, 2017

The New York Times story does not say specifically that the girl was white, but we know that the “grooming gang” victims of “Asian” (Pakistani, etc.) gangs in England’s Telford, Rochdale and Oxford were. Some of them have come forward, like grooming gang survivor Samantha Smith, seen below being interviewed by Mark Steyn.

Steyn has written of the grooming gangs:

As in Rotherham and everywhere else, all this was happening in plain sight. The Spectator’s Douglas Murray:

Every arm of the state — including council staff, social workers and the police — allowed the mass gang-rape of children to go on in their town. And we learn — once again — how fear of accusations of 'racism' meant that the identities of the culprits were hidden and cases were not investigated.

Because, as in Rotherham, it was white working-class girls [Emphasis added] being gang-raped by "Asian" men — "Asian" being the coy euphemism for Muslim males of Pakistani origin, notwithstanding that it’s immensely insulting to Indian Hindus, Sri Lankans, Chinese, etc.

[Of the remenant nedeth nat enquire, SteynOnline, March 19, 2018]

In his 2017 post above, Steve Sailer said

On a Sapir-Whorf note, the English-speaking world used to have a term for this, but now we don’t: white slavery. Not surprisingly, England now has more white slavery than back when everybody knew the term. From Wikipedia:

White Slave Traffic Act of 1910 [Revision of November 4, 2017]

To battle sex trafficking in the United States, in 1910 the US Congress passed the White Slave Traffic Act (better known as the Mann Act), which made it a felony to transport women across state borders for the purpose of “prostitution or debauchery, or for any other immoral purpose”. Its primary stated intent was to address prostitution, immorality, and human trafficking, particularly sexual trafficking. As more women were being trafficked from foreign countries, the US began passing immigration acts to curtail aliens from entering the country. Several acts such as the Emergency Quota Act of 1921 and the Immigration Act of 1924 were passed to prevent emigrants from Europe and Asia from entering the United States. Following the banning of immigrants during the 1920s, human trafficking was not considered a major issue until the 1990s.

So if you don’t want to have slavery in your country — and both Americans and Britons do not want slavery in their countries — you need to stop the mass importation of people from societies where slavery is normal.

It worked in 1924. It would work now.

James Fulford is writer and editor for VDARE.com.

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