

By James Karlsson


California has been many things to America — most recently, the state acts as the poster child of the immigration-driven blue dystopia, which many fear is the future of the U.S. as a whole. But this image, while generally accurate, also obscures another: white Californians are a more complex group than the immigrant populations, largely non-citizen, they now live among. And the reversal of their immigration-driven dispossession is entirely possible.

Greatly to the discredit of the cucked California GOP, only 47% of white Californians voted for Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election, barely a 4-point gap from the 51% of white Californians who voted for Joe Biden. But among whites the state was at least still competitive.

This divide, this swing vote character, plays out in numerous other ways among Heritage Californians. When asked to identify with a political camp, 37% of white Californians identify as conservatives, 37% identify as liberals and 26% identify as moderates.

But in contrast 82% of Blacks in California vote blue and so do 75% of Hispanics, 76% of Asians and 59% of other racial groups.

This reality means that the politically competitive Historic American population of California is drowned out in a sea of recent immigrant voters and their descendants, who practice a form of monolithic ethnic political partisanship that is alien to Americans both in California and in the U.S. in general.

The true California is obscured by a massive and ongoing demographic transformation, which has seen the state’s foreign-born population increase from a low of 8.5% in 1960 to a record 27% today.

Today, only 35% of Californians are white, 39% are Hispanic, 15% of the state is Asian, 5% is black and a final 4% of Californians are multiracial Americans. (N.b. this is not the same as California’s electorate, which is older and significantly whiter aka American.)

Even more significantly, 27% of the state’s population, or about 10.5 million people, is composed of recent (= First Generation) immigrants. This foreign-born population is nearly double the 14% foreign-born average for American states — and represents a remarkable 23% of all foreign-born people in the United States.

This foreign-born population is the natural place to start in any attempt to reverse the Great Replacement.

Some 45% of immigrants in California do not have U.S. citizenship and are therefore easily removed. Canceling the visas and green cards of these non-citizens would enable the removal of some 4.725 million people, 88% of whom will be Hispanic or Asian.

Combined with the removal of the 2.6 million acknowledged illegal aliens in the state (there are many more, but we are using official statistics for this piece), the non-citizen population of California could be reduced by some 7.3 million people without stripping anyone of their citizenship or taking any dastardly action that the Left regularly accuses pro-American advocates of secretly wishing to take.

These actions alone would increase the white Californian share of the state’s population from 35% today to 42.6%, a jump of some 7.6 percentage points — just by removing non-citizens from the state.

As illegal aliens leave the state, and immigrants pack up to return to their homelands thanks to these policy prescriptions, they must also be obligated to take with them their underage children.

This means some 750,000 K-12 students in California with illegal alien parents would leave the state with their parents, or be deported as illegal aliens themselves (as is the case for 240,000 students in the state).

In total 46% of children in the state of California have at least one immigrant parent, so as many as 8.6 million second-generation immigrants in the state could be expected to leave alongside their parents.

This would give Californians and Americans ample time to reevaluate their laws and to follow the example of other countries such as the Netherlands — which revokes the citizenship of children born to foreign parents who live abroad when they turn 18 years old.

With illegal aliens, resident aliens and non-U.S. citizens out of the way, this brings us to the very large immigrant-descended and naturalized-immigrant populations who have acquired U.S. citizenship.

The most efficient method to deal with this population is through mandatory review of their citizenship and immigration paperwork, specifically in the realm of family reunification.

Some 70% of immigrants in the United States are admitted on the basis of family ties, not for work or school.

This means that a large portion of people who have acquired US citizenship are likely to have done so fraudulently. The proof for this is best demonstrated by a 2008 investigation wherein the U.S. State Department discovered, through DNA testing, that over 80% of individuals admitted into the U.S. as family members of a “refugee” were not related to that individual.

The U.S. government has since mandated DNA testing for refugees who request their family members come to the U.S.

But this DNA testing mandate has not been put in place for any other category of family reunification.

Simply by requiring proof that immigrants are related through marriage and birth certificates, and (yes!) DNA testing, it is likely that a substantial portion of U.S. citizens in California, and in the U.S. as a whole, could have their citizenship revoked on the grounds of fraud.

Citizenship can also be revoked on the grounds of felonies committed before a person becomes naturalized. This happens with some regularity, and with a great many Hispanics having felony convictions, it would not take much for the state government to simply refer these felons to the USCIS for a citizenship review.

These policy actions would significantly reduce the population of first- and second- generation immigrants in California, deprive no legitimate citizens of their U.S. passports, under current law, and not require a single piece of legislation to be changed.

It is worth noting that these projections are based upon the most conservative fraud and illegal immigration figures. In reality, a great many more immigrants and their descendants would likely depart the country as well.

FOOTNOTE: This process of immigration enforcement and application of laws already on the books would be a massive help in alleviating some of the severe and ongoing crises related to California’s overpopulation — such as drought, vehicle related smog, and some of the worst traffic in the country.

Not to mention restoring political representation to an entire generation of Legacy Californians and their children.

James Karlsson is the founder and director of the White-Papers Policy Institute. Read them on Substack, follow them on Twitter, and message them on Telegram.

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