
The Irrelevance Of 9/11 To The American Renaissance

By Peter Brimelow


I stopped memorializing 9/11 on on the sixth anniversary in 2007. I wrote early that morning:

"I suppose a whole generation will always remember where they were when they heard about 9/11, just as an earlier one never forgot where they were when they heard JFK had been shot. I was exactly where I am now, looking at a computer screen behind which, through the window, the Connecticut Berkshires roll away to the horizon, when I glanced at the TV and saw the World Trade Center in flames — just as I now see Mayor Bloomberg presiding over a remembrance ceremony.

"I went upstairs and told Maggy, ill in bed with the cancer that was to claim her life just 17 months later. Together, we watched the utter destruction of an area we'd both known so well when I worked for Alan Abelson’s Barron’s Magazine some 20 years earlier.

"The same eerie feeling of complete change and no change comes over me when I contemplate the political consequences of 9/11. Osama bin Laden, whose head could surely have been obtained through a traditional commercial transaction with one or other local warlord, remains irritatingly at large. The government of Afghanistan, taken from the majority tribe and given to minority tribes, is obviously reverting, amid the usual chaos. Iraq continues to be the object of Washington’s intense attention, as it has been since the first Gulf War, for reasons that deserve analysis but manifestly had nothing to do with 9/11. Domestic terrorism in the U.S., which could have been as serious as the Irish Republican Army’s recent bombing campaign in Britain (why no War On Terror against them, by the way?) mysteriously did not materialize — even though episodic outbreaks of Immigrant Mass Murder syndrome have shown how easily individuals with rifles could paralyze the country. Above all, the Bush Adminstration continued with its fanatical drive to accomodate the Mexodus, heedless of border security.

"I find I don’t feel like writing a reflection on 9/11 this year. It’s a game. America’s elites didn’t really care. They just got on with their agenda(s).

" has readers who lost loved ones in 9/11 and in the subsequent wars. To them I extend my own commiserations."

This year both Larry Auster and Diane West have issued similar statements of skepticism.

I suppose I can’t say nothing has changed. Osama Bin Laden seems to be (finally) dead, for what that’s worth. And, again for what it’s worth, my personal life has certainly taken a much happer turn, through God’s grace.

But the wars continue. And the Establishment’s fanatical immigration enthusiasm and its drive to accomodate the Mexodus — most recently through the Obama Regime’s Administrative Amnesty and the utter absence of GOP reaction — continues.

And of course, in 2009 Major Nidal Malik Hasan supported my contention that one killer with a gun is all that it takes to mess up America. If terrorism is such a threat, why hasn’t this happened more often?

And of course the War Against Christmas — in the underlying form of ruling class Christophobia — continues, indeed is intensifying. [Omitting Clergy at 9/11 Ceremony Prompts Protest, by Laurie Goodman, New York Times, September 8, 2011]

I grieve for the fallen, especially contributor Peter Gadiel, who lost his son James, 23.

But some other event will be needed to spark what we might be able to call an American Renaissance.

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