The Sleep (Well, Doziness) Of Reason; etc.

By James Fulford


The Fulford File, By James Fulford

Reason magazine’s website, whose ranking is almost as high as’s, has just posted an item by Matt Welch [email him] moaning about the Department of Homeland Security daring to enforce the immigration laws.

Apparently, some French journalists traveling to the US to cover something or other were denied entry because they didn’t have visas. France is a putatively friendly country, whose citizens can normally visit without visas for business or pleasure. But, Reason explains, "Journalism, according to American consular writ, does not qualify as either." For journalists, there is a cumbersome application procedure, which most naturally ignore.

I can see Reason’s point about letting journalists cross freely. But I can also see the law’s point about journalists needing visas. Foreign journalists are foreigners actually earning their living within the boundaries of the United States. That’s what the whole "green card" apparatus is set up to regulate.

The incident does show that the Consular Lookout and Support System, the kind of database that Smith-Simpson saboteur Spencer Abraham spent so much effort blocking when he was in the U.S. Senate during the 90s, actually works.

But it also shows that immigration law is enforced against those it’s easiest to enforce laws against: white people with jobs.

The Mexican border, on the other hand, is still leaking like a sieve.

Reason’s Brian Doherty [email him], author of a notoriously dogmatic review of Pat Buchanan’s Death Of The West, has also been moaning, about the border tragedy last week in which eighteen illegals died of heat prostration in a locked tractor trailer.

Doherty’s take’s differs somewhat from my own balanced discussion, posted the same day.

For one thing, I noted that the smuggler was himself an immigrant, from Jamaica. I also pointed out that the US government and immigration enthusiasts are creating a moral hazard that tempts these people to risk their lives, and the lives of their children, by offering them huge rewards for successful law-breaking.

Reason apparently thinks that the costs of immigration to the taxpayer can be reduced by abolishing public education and free health care in hospital emergency rooms.

This policy shift is unlikely to happen soon.

Doherty included a typical smear of immigration reformers:

"Illegal immigration — with eight million already here and about a quarter million joining them each year — is seen by some as a threat to our supposedly precious current ethnic balance; by others as an expensive drain on public resources.

His link on "current ethnic balance" was to’s front page.

If I might offer some friendly instruction, internet usage requires that the link should have either been on the words "seen by some," or alternatively to some specific page. A couple of suggestions:

"The grounds: it 'features an offensive representation of one gender, one race and one historical period … '

"'One historical period … '? Yeah. It’s called America.

There! Definite concern with the "current ethnic balance" — and, if I may say so, eminently Reasonable.

By the way, even an unimpeachable member of the Liberal Establishment, Christopher Jencks, has said in the unimpeachably Liberal Establishment New York Review of Books that he is amazed by the shift in the ethnic balance.

Remember, while Mark Twain said that it’s a difference of opinion that makes horse races, it’s a shift in ethnic balance that makes race riots.

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Derbyshire’s Deviationism

National Review’s John Derbyshire has been interviewed by Enter Stage Right, the conservative website based in Canada. Bernard Chapin asked him about the "current intraconservative battle between the neo-conservatives and the paleo-conservatives" and the idea of "policing" the right wing, specifically what Peter Brimelow has called the Frumpurge.

While supporting the idea that some "policing" is necessary, (he refers to Buckley’s latest book describing the anathematization Ayn Rand, and Robert Welch, in the Dark Ages of the 1950’s) Derbyshire kindly said:

"There is a difference, however, between a policeman and a witch-hunter. Conservatism is not such a great force in American life that we can afford to exclude willy-nilly large groups of honest, patriotic conservatives whom we disagree with about some issue or other. For example: I read both the Wall Street Journal Op-Ed page, which favors open immigration, and also Peter Brimelow’s excellent VDARE website, which is strongly immigration-restrictionist. I think they are both important conservative voices, though personally I agree with the second much more than the first. I should hate to see either become the subject of an 'exercise in exclusion.'"

This is a good point, since the WSJ is on the right side of the question, on, er, several issues — like tax policy, or Medicare, or something.

But the WSJ is not likely to be purged anytime soon. could be — and so could Derbyshire, come to think of it.

We hope to review Derbyshire’s new book Prime Obsession: Bernhard Rieman & The Greatest Unsolved Problem — just have to find someone who can link math to migration.

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Policeman Commits Frankness In Britain

Chris Fox, president of Britain’s Association of Chief Police Officers, is reported to have said that "'Mass migration has brought with it a whole new range and a whole new type of crime, from the Nigerian fraudster, to the eastern European who deals in drugs and prostitution to the Jamaican concentration on drug dealing.'"

All hell broke loose, of course, at this "statement of the obvious."

Expect him to be charged by Britain’s crack anti-racism enforcers almost immediately.

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