
Union Jackal On Immigration [3 Items]: Citizen Journalist Steve Laws’ Reports On The Illegal-Alien Invasion “Not In The Public Interest”; English Civil War 2.0… But Without The Englishmen; For The Queen, White Mourners Only… Except The Black Guy Who Molested Two Women

By Mark Gullick


Earlier: Union Jackal On U.K. Immigration [4 ITEMS]: Georgians Heading To Ireland; Immigrants Boost Murders In Boston (Lincolnshire!); Albanian Smugglers Seek Customers On TikTok; ETC.

Citizen Journalist Steve Laws’ Reports On The Illegal-Alien Invasion “Not In The Public Interest”

A term that makes the British Mainstream Media and political class uneasy is “citizen journalist.” Now that smartphones make anyone a cameraman, and the Internet makes anyone a publisher, ordinary people report real-life events that our Ruling Class want filtered and curated, and if necessary, spiked. One of those ordinary people is Steve Laws, an Englishman living in Kent, the beautiful English county once dubbed “the garden of England.” Kent’s beaches are now the equivalent of the southwest border of the United States as the main point of entry for illegal aliens. Using basic, no-frills technology (phone, Telegram, and a website), Laws comprehensively covers the Camp-of-the-Saints invasion. Britain’s Home Office deems such news “not in the public interest.”

Journalist Steve Laws explains how the numbers of migrant boats coming over the channel to the UK, has increased astronomically over the last two years. pic.twitter.com/rI1tx9WsFK

— Gareth Icke Tonight (@IckeTonight) September 22, 2022

Although he covers other topics, immigration is Laws’ focus. Operating through his YouTube channel and website The Steve Laws Report, he has quickly discovered the collusion between those tasked with securing Britain’s borders and those trying to enter the country illegally. That the government has no intention to halt illegal immigration is clear from watching Laws’ coverage. As for the MSM, only minimal coverage appears on the BBC or any other channel. Even GB News, Britain’s supposed answer to Fox News, features the invasion only intermittently.

Laws began recording the motorized dinghies arriving on Kent’s beaches a few years ago to prove to a disbelieving friend that “illegal immigrants were being carried into Dover, loaded onto coaches and driven to hotels.” Only Nigel Farage, the man who engineered the Brexit vote, had highlighted this invasion. The COVID lockdowns gave Laws time to cover a story the press ignored. He provides daily footage and figures, as well as details about Border Force boats that provide a taxi service for illegals, the number of whom this year broke the record for 2021 midway through September. Crossings this year, 28,592, exceed all of 2021 [Channel migrants: Crossings in 2022 now exceed whole of 2021, by Simon Jones, BBC, September 13, 2022].

Unsurprisingly, Laws has attracted attention from those who deem the citizen journalist a greater threat than thousands of medically untested and stateless illegals. Deporting the stateless, by the way, is very difficult [Immigration Rules, UK.gov, August 22, 2022].

Laws’ stoicism shows through in discussing the target the left has put on his back.

“I’ve had my address doxxed, I’ve lost jobs due to my work and I’ve also been physically attacked by Antifa and open border fanatics,” he told me in an email interview for VDARE:

I’ve also been attacked by an illegal immigrant who was in police custody. The police let the illegal run at me but other than that, nothing too extreme really.

Laws’ definition of “extreme” differs from mine. The only at-risk journalists used to be those in war zones. But now, as journalist Andy Ngo will testify, citizen journalists are physically attacked, often with the support of leftist “blue-check” journalists on Twitter, for adopting the wrong narrative. Violence aside, a citizen journalist might quickly become a target of the state.

The Dover Harbour Board has twice tried, and failed, to ban Laws from the dockside. The police ginned up a court case against him after he rode out on a dinghy legally owned by someone who offered him the ride to see what the experience was like. The case lasted two years and was clearly designed to intimidate him.

Predictably, leftist Regime Media have ignored Laws’ reports and statistics “despite the fact they still follow it for reference because far-left groups kicked up a fuss the last time I was interviewed by [British broadcaster] Talk Radio.” As for Britain’s Home Office, it has spent more time attempting to curtail Laws’ reportage than it has trying to stop the illegals, who in some cases disappear into the country without a trace.

Whether new Home Secretary Suella Braverman changes the anti-Laws course set by outgoing Priti Patel remains to be seen. Patel’s agency “tried to ban myself and others from filming arrivals,” he told me:

They put security on any location housing illegals to try and deter anyone from filming. They’ve now moved the gangway out of public sight to stop people getting any vital information.

Vital information, the Home Office says, “is not in the public interest,” a phrase he hears often when he asks for immigration data. Asked whether the immigration crisis is due to incompetence or is intentional, his answer was unequivocal:

I’ve said from day one that the Home Office is trying to cover this up. They have consistently hidden information. They claim the number arriving via the Channel Tunnel is not in the public interest. They refuse to tell me how many are being placed into social housing. They have the figures and told me that they do but refuse to disclose them.

Look at the Immigration Act of 2014. Details about illegal immigration deemed “not in the public interest” are mostly confined to not compromising the identity of immigrants during asylum-processing. Yet illegals routinely throw their passports and mobile phones into the sea. They therefore arrive with no identity to compromise.

Application of public interest considerations is also extended to requiring immigrants to speak English (unenforced and indeed unenforceable), prove financial independence (again, impossible to ascertain with nameless, stateless arrivistes standing on a beach) and the rather vague duty of the border forces: “The maintenance of effective border controls is in the public interest.”

“Effective” from whose point of view? That of the British public, or that of the British deep state?

The latest development Law has observed are Albanians who augment the mostly Muslim illegals. Although war in Albania ended 25 years ago, many Albanian men are heading to Britain. And to echo Donald Trump, they aren’t sending their best. Prison tattoos and haircuts have been spotted on the illegals [Albanian Channel crossings are making our borders look like a joke, by Patrick O’Flynn, The Spectator, August 25, 2022]. It might be that Albania is emptying its jails and making the ex-cons an offer they can’t refuse.

“The majority of Albanians that arrive look like they are part of gang culture,” Laws said:

They all turn up in designer clothes, some even use gang signs when being filmed entering the UK. There are plenty of them involved in drugs, trafficking, prostitution, violence and fraud.

Why do the Albanians need shooting practice before illegally crossing the Channel to live in UK? pic.twitter.com/0LcUurJdyw

— Nigel Farage MP (@Nigel_Farage) September 7, 2022

Laws is not a new breed of journalist. He is an old-school, shoe-leather reporter who gets a story despite people standing in his way. Patriotic, plain-speaking, hard-working, he is fully aware that the illegals themselves are not his enemies — at least not yet — but those who are standing between the rest of us and truth most definitely are.

Britain’s fourth estate is supposed to speak truth to power. Instead, power tells them what “truth” to report. The British Ruling Class certainly doesn’t want to hear what Steve Laws has to say, which is why the English should listen.

English Civil War 2.0… But Without The Englishmen

Cricket is generally thought of as a game which produces more sedate appreciation. Not anymore. As VDARE’s Lance Welton reported, running battles between Hindus and Muslims have taken place nightly in Leicester since India defeated Pakistan in a match on August 28. Now, the violent clashes “threaten to ‘spread all over Britain,’” faith leaders have warned, after 100 protesters descended on a Hindu temple,” Gabriella Swerling reported for The Telegraph [Ongoing clashes between Muslims and Hindus ‘could spread all over Britain, September 21, 2022]:

A crowd of Muslim demonstrators reportedly threw fireworks and missiles in the direction of police in the industrial town of Smethwick on Tuesday night as the disorder seen in Leicester over the weekend appeared to spread across the Midlands.

On Wednesday night, faith leaders issued a warning that the current unrest, apparently fuelled by disinformation circulating on social media, “will spread all over Britain.”

During the weekend, police arrested 47 people for crimes including death threats and possessing a firearm.

Meanwhile, a “right wing group” of Indians, Vishva Hindu Parishad, has written to Prime Minister Liz Truss to say police haven’t done their job:

[VHP Leader Alok] Kumar, in his note, blamed the local police and authorities for the violence. “The local police and administration has been lax and irresolute in quelling such violence. Leicester Hindus have been subjected to violence and intimidation continuously since September 4, 2022.”

[Right wing group writes to UK PM Liz Truss on Leicester riots, by Poulomi Saha, India Today, September 21, 2022]

If diversity is strength, perhaps a weaker Leicester would be a nicer… and safer… place to live.

For The Queen, White Mourners Only… Except the Black Guy Who Molested Two Women

When Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II died, a crowd assembled outside at Buckingham Palace to pay their respects. Thousands lined up for several miles to watch her funeral procession. But as citizen journalist and History Debunked YouTuber Simon Webb reported, the crowd was monolithically white with few exceptions:

White British people make up just 43 percent of Londoners. There are over a million black people living in the capital. The crowds gathered outside Buckingham Palace, though, consist almost entirely of White British people. … A few Indians are there, some of them tourists, but where are the black people who turned out for the Notting Hill Carnival the other week?

[In the most diverse city in Europe, the crowds outside Buckingham Palace are surprisingly homogenous, YouTube, September 9, 2022]

A man called Adio Adeshine was one of those exceptions. Adeshine, police allege, exposed his genitals and pushed into two of the ladies there to honor the Queen. In a daring escape plan, he threw his phone into the River Thames and dove in afterward. For once, police arrested a black man committing a crime in London, tracking him brilliantly and arresting him when he clambered from the water.

Thank heaven the funeral had its share of diversity!

As for Webb, he commented about Adeshine, and has also rightly observed that Britain’s history is not multicultural.

Mark Gullick has a PhD in philosophy. Originally from London, he has relocated to Costa Rica. He has also written for TakiMag, New English Review, Counter Currents (including a monthly UNION JACKAL column on general political and cultural topics, Standpoint and The Brazen Head.

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