Peter Brimelow ends VDARE.com Spring 2011 Fundraising Drive, Thanks Readers
Peter Brimelow writes:
Today, I learned that this day’s snailmail had brought in checks that FINALLY put us over our $30,000 Spring Fundraising target,
I want to thank everyone concerned — even the readers who complained when the webzine was closed during the appeal but didn’t end up giving us anything anyway.
My thoughts on our experiences this drive:
<![if !supportLists]> 1. <![endif]> We did get quite a few new donors in this Appeal. It appears that our Executive Directrix' direct complaint about "freeloaders" picked some guilty consciences. We cherish our donors and really appreciate this!
<![if !supportLists]> 2. <![endif]> At the same time, we received many emails from readers who are simply unable to contribute because of unemployment. The recession has bitten our key readership very hard. We exist to defend them.
<![if !supportLists]> 3. <![endif]> We are still critical dependant on a small group of major donors. We are slowly diversifying into online fundraising, through the miracle of the internet. But this hard work and, I’m afraid, not always understood by some readers. Yet it must be done — if a patriot media is to emerge.
<![if !supportLists]> 4. <![endif]> On the other had, we are assured that the Truth will set us free!
I am profoundly grateful to all of you who have helped.
And if you haven’t it’s not too late to give to VDARE.com!