WEDNESDAY 12/16 UPDATE: Still working! For now, VDARE.com can still accept credit card donations while the payment processor reviews our lawyer’s complaint. We don’t know how long this window will remain open.
Earlier: An Urgent Message From Lydia Brimelow To VDARE.com’s Credit Card Donors
As I write this, we STILL do not know if VDARE.com will be able to accept credit card donations after 11:59 p.m. tonight (December 13).
As Lydia said yesterday, we are profoundly grateful for our supporters who have rallied round since our payment processor abruptly decided to cut us off — including some long-time readers who tell us they have never given before.
But we really urge you to take advantage of the next few hours if you want to make a donation conveniently by credit card WHILE WE CAN STILL ACCEPT THEM.
Of course, you will still be able to give in the conventional ways listed below.
And your donations are tax-deductible — for now.
America’s enemies have made no secret of the fact that they intend to use government and corporate power to repress all resistance to their agenda.
VDARE.com is in the front line because of our opposition to out-of-control immigration, upon which the Left absolutely depends in its drive to Elect A New, post-American People.
One example of Leftist repression: as regular readers know, VDARE.com has had some ten conferences cancelled in the last four years, as hotels capitulate to Leftist pressure.
That is why we’ve had to buy the Berkeley Springs Castle, two hours from Washington D.C. in West Virginia, which we’re remodeling to provide a secure conference venue for ourselves and other patriots.
The photograph, taken this July 4, is our Castle, and Lydia and me with our daughters.
Our posterity, and that flag, is ultimately what this fight is about.
PLEASE help us now.
Peter Brimelow is the editor of VDARE.com. His best-selling book, Alien Nation: Common Sense About America’s Immigration Disaster, is now available in Kindle format.