
VDARE.com on the Supreme Court’s University of Michigan Affirmative Action Betrayal

By Peter Brimelow


June 23, 2003

The Supreme Court rulings on the University of Michigan Affirmative Action cases came down too early for us to wake Steve Sailer on the West Coast (he works late) but he had predicted the Court’s straddle in January: "a seeming compromise that will throw a rhetorical bone to anti-quota voters, but deliver red meat to the racial preference industry."

01/16/03 — Bush & Bakke: Déjà vu All Over Again

The Bush brief is a catastrophe for the cause of equal treatment under the law. Bush-Rove have almost completely caved in to Diversitycrats….

Here’s the harsh truth. The only way we could tell if we've actually eliminated racial preferences is if the percentage of blacks and Hispanics in elite schools falls sharply, and stays down for many years. (But the ones who remained would perform as well as whites. And more minorities would complete courses at second-tier schools, rather than being mis-matched and burned out at elite ones.)

In all likelihood, the Supreme Court won’t dare make such a sharp reduction happen. This will be despite the letter of the law — a measure of the diversity’s distortion of our Anglo-American institutions

So did Craig Roberts:

06/02/03 — No Equal Protection for Whites?

Pray I am wrong, but the best that those who believe in equal protection can hope for is that the Court will speak out of both sides of its mouth, as it did in the 1978 Bakke case. Alan Bakke was denied admission to medical school at the University of California in order to create room for a less qualified "preferred minority." The Court ruled against quotas but for "diversity."

Paul Craig Roberts will comment on the ruling tomorrow. Steve Sailer is still recuperating from being (relatively) nice to the Bush Administration over racial profiling last night, but we hope will recover by Sunday.

Read the full text of the Supreme Court decisions here in PDF:

Grutter v. Bollinger (Sandra Day O'Connor; Preferences good for law students.)

Gratz v. Bollinger (Chief Justice Rehnquist; Preferences bad for freshmen.)

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