Ann Coulter’s column This Thanksgiving, Joy-Ann Reid Has Much To Be Thankful For isn’t really about Thanksgiving, it’s about ingratitude. Ms. Reid is the daughter of African and Guyanese immigrants, born and raised in the United States, but ungrateful to it, and is always going on about the American slaves from whom she is not descended.
Those ungrateful people were mostly Indians, not happy about living in a white society — rather than, I suppose, the brutal savagery that prevailed before 1492.
Yes, 1492, the year Columbus — and white people generally — first landed in the Americas, is now somehow a Hate Symbol, according to Leftists who seem as superstitious in a way as the natives were before Columbus (Who DID NOTHING WRONG).
Covid restrictions, supply chain problems, and inflation will make this Thanksgiving somewhat tricky for even normal American families this year.
As usual, the Woke are trying to destroy family life at Thanksgiving by such suggestions as a Thanksgiving Covid Bouncer, a family member ready to block relatives who can’t show recent tests: The Thanksgiving bouncers, by Margaret Talev, Tina Reed, Axios, November 23, 2021
No one really wants this job, but millions of households may need their own: a Thanksgiving bouncer.
The cover charge? A negative COVID test, done ahead of arrival or outside the front door.
This Thanksgiving, it’s time to deprogram your relatives @MollyJongFast writes in Wait, What. “Maybe you’ll even change a heart or a mind … Or maybe you’ll need to report a relative to the FBI! Either way, it’s something to do besides just eat.”
She’s serious. This, of course, is furthering the Sovietization of America. Jong-Fast is the granddaughter of notorious American Communist Howard Fast.
If you have a nephew or niece who wants to do creepy “land acknowledgements” at the family dinner table, you should probably shush them or send them their room. But if you like, you can crush them with the following arguments:
There were no “Indians” before the discovery of America by Europeans — there were indigenous tribes who hated each other, and warred constantly in Hobbesian fashion.
There was also no America, as we know it today — the land was there, but the country is a creation of the Historic American Nation.