VDARE — Flood of Immigrants Could Endanger American Society, by Craig Nelsen

By Virginia Dare


For complete article, see https://www.thestate.com/opinion/opcolumn/nelsenc.htm

Published Wednesday, February 16, 2000, in The State.

Flood of immigrants could endanger American society

As the founder of ProjectUSA, the organization that recently erected dozens of billboards across South Carolina advertising Census Bureau immigration data, I must respond to the criticism leveled by Suzanne Miller in her Jan. 18 opinion piece, "Why fear immigration?"

Ms. Miller, an economist, makes the case that immigration, since it is so economically beneficial, should not be "frightening." While we are not sure where Ms. Miller got the idea we were "frightened," we would like to point out to her that there are certain social and political considerations that must take precedence over money.

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