War Against Christmas 2004 Competition [XII]: What The Other Side Thinks: It’s War!

By Peter Brimelow


December 18, 2004

[I] [II] [III] [IV] [V] [VI] [VII] [VIII] [IX] [X] [XI] [XIII] [XIV] [XV] [XVI] [XVII] [XVIII] [XIX] [XX]See also: War Against Christmas 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000

MetaFilter Menaces [A Reader]

Some occasionally express doubts as to whether the "War on Christmas" is really a war. Well, look at the discussion thread on the leftist weblog MetaFilter, which followed the posting there, with a hostile comment, of this year’s VDARE.com’s War Against Christmas 2004 Competition announcement:

"This Christmas under attack is just such a f****** canard…Christmas as has come to be in the US is a perverted idolatrous gluttonous romp…"

"I plan to buy baby Jesus a big wheel of cheese for his whining perspectiveless minions…"

"…since Christmas is really just a pagan holiday…this entire discussion is just ridiculous"

"I look forward to hearing the Christians screaming about persecution every year…"

"I would like to sign up as an enlistee in the war against Christmas. Give me a rifle and Santa won’t stand a chance."

"Christianity is by its nature exclusionary, rejecting millions of people as worthless…it is upon hatred and intolerance, and it is disease to modern society"

Which confirms the wisdom of what I have been told is the Catholic formulation of the Christmas greeting: Peace to Men of Goodwill!

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More War At David Brock’s Site [Peter Brimelow]

Tellingly violent reaction to Lou Dobb’s defense of Christmas. They mean it!

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LA Times Notices Resistance to Khristsmaskampf [Peter Brimelow]

This Season, Greetings Are at Issue: A Southern church presses store workers to say 'Merry Christmas,' not 'Happy Holidays, by Ellen Barry, December 18. 2004. Three cheers for Pastor Patrick Wooden of the Upper Room Church of God in Christ in Raleigh, North Carolina — who, incidentally, is black.

This story even got the attention of the swingers at Slate.com (scroll down), although they somehow missed Wooden’s race.

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