
War Against Christmas 2007 Competition [V]: Merry Christmas From VDARE.com!

By James Fulford


[blog] [ I] [ II ] [ III ] [ IV ] [ VI ] [ VII ] See also: War Against Christmas 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999

Email War Against Christmas competition entries to us at .

Christmas is here, and with it, not only the War On Christmas, but the claim that "There is no War On Christmas". Not only does a Google News search for the exact phrase "No War On Christmas," come up with 10 results today, it’s been set to music.

You can actually download an MP3, with glockenspiel music, of a tune called There Is No War On Christmas , [MP3]by Adam Schabow, of Madison Wisconsin.

The Northwest Herald in McHenry County, Illinoishas an editorial called No War On Christmas. [December 18, 2007]

In St. Cloud, Minnesota, there’s an editorial that includes the phrase "No War On Christmas," but the headline is actually, possibly by editorial reflex, There is no attack on the holiday season. [By Karen Cyson, [Send her ] St. Cloud Times, December 21, 2007]

The Arkansas Times, a left-wing paper of the kind that’s given away free to promote advertisers, usually local restaurants, theaters, and massage parlors, has an editorial which attacks the concept of the War On Christmas, while bashing John Gibson, Bill O'Reilly, and Fox News. Which is predictable, but they aren’t the source of the objections — the American people are.

"The Grinchwho steals Christmas is just a children’s television program, no more to be taken seriously than Fox News. Coincidentally, certain Fox performers have suggested that somebody is trying to put a stop to Christmas, but the Foxers are only being playful, in a tasteless sort of way. There’s no war on tastelessness, either. A right-wing lawyers' group called Liberty Counselis selling a tacky button that says "I [drawing of a red heart] Christmas", and that sure doesn’t add to our enjoyment of the season. It’s the kind of thing Frosty would wear.

"Even though it was clearly done in a spirit of fun, a Fox commentator named John Gibson may have carried bad taste too far in writing a book, "The War On Christmas: How the Liberal Plot to Ban the Sacred Christian Holiday Is Worse Than You Thought." But no harm done. The book was not a best-seller; used copies are available for a penny apiece online. [

Arkansas News, Editorial, December 20, 2007]

The group they're criticizing, Liberty Counsel, has written two memos, Legal Memo About Public Christmas Celebrations, [PDF] and Legal Memo About Celebrating Christmas in the Workplace,[PDF] the bottom line of which is that if your employer forbids you from wishing people "Merry Christmas", they may be violating your rights under Title VII of the Civil Rights act of 1964.

Of course, that’s just what the law says — the bureaucrats may find that Title VII has been violatedby your habit of viciously, and with malice aforethought, saying "Merry Christmas,!" or wearing something red and green in a manner calculated to cause emotional pain. However, it would be nice to see Title VII doing some actual good.

In 2005, David Brock’s Media Matters proclaimed that there was no War On Christmas, pointing to the fact that the majority of Mainstream Media writers said so, so there must be no War On Christmas. [Newspapers, commentators agree: Virginia, there is no War On Christmas, December 23, 2005] Patrick Cleburne replied with this: If there’s no War On Christmas, how come they deployed an Army?.

That is to say, why is it that so many Mainstream Media types see the need to deny what we can see with our own eyes?

Well, because they're starting to lose this war, because ordinary people are fighting back. The War On Christmas didn’t start when Bill O'Reilly noticed it in 2005, we've been noting it here since 1999, and Tom Piatak pointed out that in its modern form, the War On Christmas goes back to at least 1906.

But there are now people like us protesting it, and with your help, we expect to continue to do so. Merry Christmas, everyone!

Three Stories for Christmas Available Online

Christmas Meditations From VDARE.com

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