VDARE.com: 12/31/06 — Bulletin

Peter Brimelow writes:

This is why I need you to give to VDARE.com now — preferably before the end of the fiscal year at midnight tonight.

Earlier this year, I was on a radio show, "Brad and Britt in the Morning," with Brad Krantz and Britt Whitmire, WZTK-FM in Burlington, North Carolina. We were supposed to talk for forty minutes including questions. But instead, after a few minutes, Brad Krantz abruptly terminated the interview without explanation.

I was puzzled, because talk radio is usually supportive of patriotic immigration reform and always hungry for controversy. But I didn't put two and two together until the publicist who had arranged the interview told me what had happened. While I was on air, Krantz had received a call from a "friend" who was a law professor at the University of North Carolina. This "friend" had told him that him that VDARE.com was a "hate" site. And Krantz had run away.

Naturally, we called and wrote Krantz, asking for an opportunity to defend ourselves. But he never responded. (Ask him why not — 336 324-8845 or 336 584-5923, bkrantz@curtismedia.com).

I suspect the "friend" was Professor Eric Muller, who has several times attacked us in his blog IsThatLegal.org.

[BREAKING NEWS! This is now confirmed.]

And I believe that this was a smoking gun — it answers a question many of you have asked: why so few VDARE.com writers appeared in the mainstream media during the immigration issue’s brief period in the public eye this summer.

There is a blacklist out there, probably promulgated by the Southern Poverty Law Center, the left-wing fundraising scam that named us a "hate" group a couple of years ago, policed by self-appointed enforcers like Muller (guess what kind of debate goes on in his class room!), acceded to by weak, lazy or cowardly media operatives like Krantz.

This doesn't bother me for myself — I am notorious enough — but it’s hard on the younger VDARE.com writers, who are risking their careers to join our cause.

And it’s devastating to the immigration debate. When VDARE.com began, on Christmas Eve 1999, the cause of immigration reform had been effectively shut out of the mainstream media. Events, and relentless sniping from websites like our own, have forced the issue back on the agenda … to a certain extent. But you can bet that the mediacrats and political party groupies who run the Establishment media want to get it off the agenda as quickly as possible. Just look at the way, this year, they have engaged in lock-step War On Christmas denial, because they saw the American people were getting angry.

What that means is that, when President Bush and the Democratic Congress try to ram though another illegal alien amnesty and immigration increase in 2007, the mainstream media, liberal and "conservative," will trumpet that it’s a compromise.

Only sites like VDARE.com will give you the truth — the facts and analysis you will need as ammunition to fight back.

The unpleasant fact is that to do this, we need money. We need money to pay our writers. We need money to build a patriotic reform institution alternative on the internet (which is nothing less than a gift from God and an epochal opportunity). And we need money to pay for public relations help, so that we can bypass the blacklist and find the radio stations, television programs and even newspapers that are willing to work with us to help save America.

Please help us NOW!

And Happy New Year.