A Bronx Catholic Writes To The Archdiocese of New York About Anti-White Favoritism, Finds Little Humility

By VDARE.com Reader


From: Ken Reynolds

Re: Peter Brimelow’s “It Will Come To Blood”–Reflections On The Left’s Anti-Trump Inauguration Tantrum

Happy New Year. You may be interested in checking out the letters department of the last 3 issues of Catholic New York-the largest-circulation Catholic newspaper in USA and published by the Archdiocese of New York(cny.org).

I’m still shocked (pleasantly, I add) that my letter on the blatant favoritism towards Latinos and blacks by the archdiocese was printed in the Dec.7th issue. It’s reproduced below:

Publishing ‘Trend’

A trend is accelerating rapidly at Catholic New York: that of blatant favoritism towards Latinos and blacks in the Archdiocese of New York.

Articles in the Nov. 23 issue report on Jesuit Father Gregory Chisholm, the pastor of St. Charles Borromeo parish in Harlem, and his social justice committee producing a bilingual document denouncing racism practiced only by whites, and Bishop Joe S. Vasquez of Austin, Texas, declaring that people illegally living in USA are “…our unauthorized brothers and sisters…” And the gleeful reporting of “teens screaming,” “raucous music” and a “ Christian” hip-hop band at the National Catholic Youth Conference.

Considering that the majority of issues of CNY over the past few years have published some element of this favoritism, why should any self-respecting white person belong to the Archdiocese of New York?

Ken Reynolds


Subsequently, the next two issues had four letters published all of them attacking me and my letter. Sample:
"But are we to nod our heads in interest or agreement as Mr. Reynolds bemoans what he calls a "favoritism toward Latinos and blacks"? Or are we to be rightly repulsed and say to Mr. Reynolds and every friend, family member, system or institution that supports his point of view that it is unacceptable? Catholics believe that racism is a sin; let us pursue the latter and live accordingly."

A Proper Reaction, Father Stuart Wilson-Smith, C.S. P., January 4, 2018

Mollie O’Reilly from Bronxville even wrote [December 21, 2017] that my letter was “a vivid example“ of “ white supremacy!”

Like Peter Brimelow warned us after attending Trump’s inauguration, it looks like it’ll come to blood.

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