From: Danny O'Connell (e-mail him)
Re: Joe Guzzardi’s Column: Diversity Is Strength! It’s Also — A Blind Eye To Mayhem At "Asian Interest" Fraternity
The three UCLA Asian students arrested point up an interesting dimension to the "best and brightest" argument offered by immigration enthusiasts who want more non-immigrant work visas because Americans supposedly do not have talent in the sciences.
Of the UCLA students who were arrested, Isaiah Cho is a third-year student majoring in pre-microbiology, immunology and molecular genetics, Chris Yi is a second-year student majoring in biology and Justin Kim is a second-year student majoring in pre-business economics. [Three UCLA Students Arrested After Fraternity Party Last Month, by Ann Simmons and My-Thuan Tran, Los Angeles Times, October 3, 2009]
Despite their academic credentials, they are dangerous sociopaths that America would clearly be better off without.
O'Connell lives in West Los Angeles, less than five miles from the UCLA campus.