A Reader Addresses What Wasn’t Stated in the State of the Union Address
From: David Levine
Re: Edwin S. Rubenstein’s Column: No One’s Suggesting Mass Deportation — But It Would Pay for Itself
Thanks to Mr. Rubenstein for his link in his column to Betty Ng and Robert Justich’s now-famous Bear Stearns Report of Jan. 3, 2005 on the number of illegal aliens in the U.S.
Rubenstein failed to point out, however, that both the Pew (11 million, the figure that most people reference) and Bear Stearns studies were from data compiled in late 2004.
More than a year has passed since those studies were done so we should add another 2 to 3 million to both figures given the continued "sieve" called our southern border. That would make the Pew Study actual count at 13 million, minimum and the Bear Stearns Report count at 22 million, minimum.
While these figures do not necessarily impress people into changing their positions on border security, they give greater meaning to the word "invasion".
To Rubenstein’s credit, he states: "These are conservative estimates".
I've always believed that the real figure, given our porous Southern Border, is 30 million. Illegal aliens are everywhere; you can’t walk ten feet in California without seeing them or being affected by them.
One item Rubenstein didn’t mention — the cost of living in California, the highest in the country.
The main culprit: Illegal aliens — about 12 million-plus, by my calculation The San Francisco Bay Area is home to millions of illegals — Redwood City is practically 25% illegal or more.
San Jose? Los Angeles? Even higher percentages exist in these cities when you add in the illegal Chinese, Vietnamese and Koreans who came in on the daisy chain as visitors who then overstayed their visas.
This is not just about illegals from Mexico and Central America as many assume it is. "Illegal is illegal" — no matter where one comes from. The East Bay has the biggest Middle Eastern population, right behind Detroit. Would anyone care to venture a guess as to the percentage of illegal Middle Easterners in California?
If Congress were to finally "get tough" on illegals and pass laws that mandate the Feds to enforce existing laws resulting in the deportation of most illegals in the country, housing prices would plummet. For sure, DHS/ICE would have to hire thousands more investigators and personnel, but it would be money well spent.
There would certainly be "losers", but it would no longer be the Middle Class! Real estate moguls would have to come back to earth. Businesses that illegally hire illegal aliens would suddenly have to pay higher wages and offer benefits to American citizens — or risk heavy fines and possible jail time if they continue to hire aliens.
The American Middle Class might be saved! John Q. Public and his wife would have to get used to watering and pruning their home’s garden themselves, unless they were willing to pay "fair wages" to American gardeners, thousands of whom were put out of business by the flood of illegals…to mention only one service sector business that has been affected..
With a rejuvenated Middle Class, more Americans would be able to afford to buy a home for their families. Apartments would be left vacant, and apartment rents would drop dramatically, making them more affordable for the poor. All those billions being sent to Mother Ship Mexico would dry up. Mexico would have to raise its own standard of living by welcoming back its poor from America, which it probably wouldn’t do, most likely leading to a revolution.
But the important thing is the resurgence of the American middle class and enforcement of our laws. Without this resurgence, we're finished as a society. With it — along with a Presidential and Congressional "Buy American!" push and with tariffs being slapped on all imported goods that we can easily build, grow and produce here in the U.S. (actions that this President and Congress refuse to take) — with it, we'll save our country.
And what of the cries by some businesses and farmers in particular for MORE illegal laborers? We should answer them with one word … mechanization. I'll gladly pay $4 or $5 a head for lettuce to rid the country of illegal alien gangs. We all know that produce and other items for consumption will go up in price once deportation has set in. However, other costs of living that are far greater in price — like rents and real estate — will drop after deportation, saving the Middle Class billions!
I suggest we plan for all this now by contacting our friends, the Japanese, who have perfected the machines needed to harvest our fruit and other crops. By giving farmers huge discounts/loans on these machines, we can gradually do away with illegal manual field and orchard labor.
And what about the almost certain rise in cost of a MacDonald’s and Burger King hamburger and fries when these corporations are forced to hire Americans at livable wages?
I don’t buy their hamburgers and fries anyway, but I’m certain that Americans who do will be proud to finally purchase and eat hamburgers and fries made by, cooked and delivered by … Americans.