A California Chief Technology Officer Scolds Obama On Job Loss
From: Gianna Giavelli
Re: Rob Sanchez Blog: 20-Year Anniversary Of H-1B: Two Lost Generations
I have witnessed firsthand the devastation caused by the H-1B visa program. This year, 85,000 new H-1B visas will be issued but America has not created any new technology jobs.
Those visas will all be used to replace Americans with foreign-born workers.
Throwing our best and brightest into the streets is no way to rebuild our economy, Mr. Obama!
[VDARE.com note: America needs to add approximately 300,000 new jobs every month just to keep up with population growth. Immigration moratorium now!]
After recently moving from Texas, Giavelli works as a chief technology officer for a small software consultancy in San Diego where, she says, despite the housing collapse, a small house still costs almost a million dollars. Read her previous letters here, about the immigration speech George W. Bush should have given as conceived by "An Economist" titled "Go Home Now"; and about Congressman Sheila Jackson-Lee here.