A California Hispanic Forecasts All Kinds Of Trouble From Mexican Trucks
Re: James Ryan’s The Strange Tale of Obama, The Teamsters, The Sierra Club — And Those Cheap, Dirty, Dangerous Mexican Trucks
From: Haydee Pavia
Excellent article by Mr. Ryan!
Sadly, I believe the Teamsters' Union leadership has betrayed its members by not opposing the Mexican trucks on American roads. I think this union’s leadership intends to profit from the Mexican truck invasion.
The Teamsters' Union is one of the most powerful unions in the U.S. I find it extremely puzzling that the teamsters are not marching in Washington, DC about the invasion of the Mexican trucks.
These trucks will cause havoc on our highways:
Breaking and entering along the truck route.
The list is long.
Many Americans will die at the hands of these truck drivers. Just try to collect for damages from a Mexican driver’s insurance company! I don’t even know if they have car insurance in Mexico!
These truck drivers will carry several IDs. We are in for a lot of crime.
Haydee Pavia was born in Peru, and came to the United States legally many years ago. See previous letters by Haydee Pavia.