A California Reader Predicts That Yet Another Bush Awaits In The Wings To Carry On His Brother’s "Family Values" Tradition
12/14/08 — A New York Reader Says Chuck Schumer Has Sabotaged Americans Twice
From: Brian Hassler
The most underreported story in recent weeks is that Florida Sen. Mel Martinez will not run for another term, and that Jeb Bush is "considering" running for his seat.[Who Will Replace Sen. Martinez? by Adam Smith, Wes Allison and Steve Bousquet, St. Petersburg Times, December 3, 2008]
Naturally, the Republicans are throwing their money at Bush, after nominating the worst candidate for President in 2008 (John McCain), and starving him for cash. The 2010 Florida Senate race will undoubtedly be the most expensive campaign ever, as the Democrats up the ante.
As for the notion that Martinez is voluntarily retiring for whatever reason, that’s just plain laughable. This has been in the works for a long time, and I’m sure the powers that be had a talk with Martinez, perhaps promising him a post in the Bush presidency, if he’s a good cooperative soldier.
Count on Jeb to run for president in 2016 after he embellishes his resume with the title "Senator". The Republicans no doubt see Barack Obama as unbeatable in 2012, so they will find another "volunteer" to take the bullet for the team while they keep their wallets zipped.
The most ridiculous quote I read was from Peter Brown, assistant director of Quinnipiac’s polling institute who said:
"Florida voters have always been able to distinguish between Jeb Bush and George Bush. It’s that simple. They thought he was a good governor, they thought his brother was a lousy president." [Jeb Bush Bid for Senate Could Clear GOP Field, By Brendan Farrington, Associated Press, December 8, 2008]
This brings back memories of 2000, when the mantra on talk radio was, "George Bush isn’t like his daddy, he’s from Texas!"
Count on Jeb to promise more "family values", open borders, guest workers, driver’s licenses for illegal aliens, unlimited free trade, unchecked spending and using our troops as a globalist corporate police force.
Republicans haven’t figured it out yet, but the party (theirs) really is over.
Hassler is retired from the Department of Defense. His previous letters about Martinez, Bruce Springsteen and alien crime in Los Angeles are here, here and here.