A California Reader Says Jeff Jacoby Should Get His Facts Straight
05/11/10 — A California Teacher Has A Solution For Patriotic Parents
From: Manuel Oliver
Re: Matthew Richer’s Blog: Jeff Jacoby Bashes GOP On Immigration (Again!)
Not only is the tone of Jeff Jacoby’s pro-illegal alien column offensive, his supporting arguments are factually incorrect. Although originally opposed, Florida senate candidate Marco Rubio has reconsidered and now is in favor of Arizona’s S.B. 1070. [Law and Disorder, by Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe, May 9, 2010]
And ever since California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman has seen her substantial lead over immigration enforcement candidate Steve Poizner evaporate, she has gone silent on her pro-open borders stance.
Whitman has not taken a public position of S.B. 1070 nor, given her perilous position in the polls, is she likely to unless it would be to agree with Poizner that the law is a good one.
The least columnists like Jacoby and all his journalism friends should do is their research.
Oliver’s previous letter about Whitman is here.