A California Reader Wonders If He Is Censored At the San Diego Union-Tribune

By VDARE.com Reader


08/06/07 — A California Reader Explains The Real Reason Why The Amnesty Bill Went Down

From: Doug Bell

I wrote the following unpublished letter to the San Diego Union-Tribune in response to its story by Jose Luis Jimenez about a DUI tragedy that left a six-year-old boy dead. ["Mother Gets Four Years Probation," Jose Luis Jimenez, San Diego Union-Tribune, August 3, 2007]

At the same time, I criticized a letter by Ryan Stout that did appear on August 4th. Read Stout’s entire letter here.

Since Ruben Navarrette arrived at the Union-Tribune, my letters stopped appearing. Navarrette and Letters Editor Henry Fuentes may object to my frank talk about Mexican immigration.

Navarrette and Fuentes are on the Union-Tribune editorial board.

VDARE.com readers, however, will appreciate my analysis. Here is the text of my letter:

Letter writer Ryan Stout dismisses critics of so-called "comprehensive immigration reform" as racists and xenophobes claiming that the:

"…hard-line conservative talking heads only feed into this [discrimination] by lampooning Mexican culture as they simultaneously oppose any change in the status quo."

Stout was responding to a story about the death of a six- year-old killed in an automobile accident. Driving the car was the boy’s intoxicated father.

But what could lampoon Mexican culture more damningly than Mexican culture itself?

Rosa Iris Carachure, whose 6-year-old son was killed when he was ejected from his family’s SUV driven by his father with a blood alcohol level three times above the legal limit, pleaded guilty in June to child endangerment and declared at her sentencing last week that "In my culture, you do what the husband says."

Could there possibly be a dark cultural underside to Mexican immigration that Stout is unaware of?

I’m no conspiracy theorist. But since Navarrette knows my views from our previous exchanges when he worked at the Dallas Morning News and Fuentes is the Letters Editor, who knows?

How else can the Union-Tribune justify, in the name of fair and balanced journalism, that it published Stout’s letter but not mine?

Bell is the son of a legal immigrant. He was born in Brooklyn and graduated from San Diego State University.

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