A California Reader Wonders What I.Q. Really Means
10/11/07 — Paul Nachman Reminds A MSM Reporter Of His Professional Responsibilities
From: Greg Jones
Re: J. Philippe Rushton’s Column: Indians Aren’t That Intelligent (On Average)
Just because somebody does better on a standardized test doesn’t mean he is more intelligent than an individual who does poorly.
- How can Americans who are losing their country be smarter than the uneducated illegal aliens who are taking it?
- Why were the Chinese, with higher I.Q.s and a country much older than ours, so backward until we moved American industry there?
- Is an American who is heavily in debt, and with no money in the bank, more intelligent than a Southeast Asian who saves most of his paycheck and lives modestly?
- Who is actually smarter — working people who subsidize welfare or the chronically unemployed that collect it?
- Is the high I.Q. university professor who plans to survive the next Los Angeles riot by locking himself in the bathroom and dialing 911 on a cell phone smarter than the low I.Q. person who keeps a gununder his bed?
The answers to my questions are important from the perspective of living everyday life.
Jones, a retired clerk, lives southern California. Send him mail c/o