A California Teacher Says: To Improve Education — End Immigration!
03/10/10 — A North Carolina Reader Says Outsource Jail Time For Criminal Aliens — To China!
From: Kristen Kroll:
Re: Steve Sailer’s Blog: Obama Administration Promises To Make Education Even More Dysfunctional
Another reason the teaching profession is a mess is because many of the new ideas foisted upon it come from bureaucrats who have never been in a classroom!
Sacramento education officials are researchers and statistical analysts — like the kind whose work is referenced in Sailer’s article — who have no idea what it’s like to get 20-30 young students to stay on task.
Or, if these soothsayers have been in a classroom, they certainly haven’t taught in one in, for example, immigrant-dominated school districts like East Los Angeles or Fresno where so-called traditional teaching techniques simply do not work. Our job was easier before California’s immigration invasion.
Finally, the most crucial reason why teaching is a mess is because parents are not held accountable. There needs to a be a public information campaign that tells certain parents that they — not teachers or schools — are their children’s primary teachers and that learning does not begin and end in the classroom.
Parents and children could do each other a favor by speaking in complete sentences in English!
Teaching is challenging enough without a constant influx of poor, undereducated, and often unemployed, non-English speaking parents adding to our work load.
Kroll’s most recent letter explaining why teachers of immigrant students deserve a high salary is here. Other Kroll letters about Barack Obama’s sexism, on high school students and long division and offering a true-life racism quiz to VDARE.com readers are here, here and here.