A Canadian Reader Has An Idea On How To Spread The Word About Voter ID
From: A Canadian Reader
On a recent visit to Syracuse NY, I was asked for ID when buying beer at two different establishments (although I look twice the age of most salesclerks).
On one occasion neither my ID nor my friend’s worked, and I ended up saying "forget it" and walking out of the store.
But on both occasions I did say "you realize I could vote in your country without producing ID?"
Now if enough VDARE.com readers were to try that, even those like Peter Brimelow and John Derbyshire, who still "sound foreign," it might make some waves.
By James Fulford writes: Of course, both Brimelow and Derbyshire are actually American citizens, having taken the oath and acquired passports, but they still do have identifiable accents — a clue that employers are not allowed to use to check for illegal alien status.
As at the liquor store, employers are expected to ask everyone to prove it, while at the voting booth, no one is supposed to be asked. In Alien Nation, Brimelow wrote about ID:
A common argument will be that employed in mid-1993 by Representative Jose Serrano (D.-New York), the Puerto Rican-born chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, while denouncing an anti-illegal-immigrant amendment to the Clinton administration’s national service plan: "I resent having to prove I’m a citizen … "
To this, the American answer must be: tough. Life is unfair, as another Democrat — President John F. Kennedy — once memorably noted. Representative Serrano has, presumably, ample means to prove his identity. I will be happy to do the same (I don’t mind now, actually) when there are 2 to 3 million illegal Englishmen crossing the border every year.