A Catholic Reader Dissents On Garret Hardin’s Death
September 30, 2003
A Reader Says Americans Have A Right (And Duty) To Know Where Dunning Calls Come From
From: Roger A. McCaffrey
Re Linda Thom’s In Memoriam: Garret And Jane Hardin — were the Garrett and Jane Hardin deaths murder-suicide, or double suicide? Either way, an ignoble and profoundly evil way to go. God alone, says Christian tradition, may take us back. I wouldn’t even wish their kind of departure on illegal aliens.
Roger A. McCaffrey (email him), the editor of https://www.catholicreform.org, is a publisher and writer from Connecticut and the former publisher and editor of two Catholic magazines. His most recent article was A Third World Pope is Suddenly Less Likely.
Peter Brimelow writes: As we expected, other members of the immigration reform coalition were shocked by Garret Hardin’s grim decision. Let’s hope that, somewhere, he is enjoying this last controversy.