09/04/06 — An NC Reader Wonders What Indian Colleges Teach Their Graduates
From: B. Walter Kopilow: [e-mail]
Re: Joe Guzzardi’s Column: Quinceanera: Just Dishonest Propaganda
Advertisements on Denver radio refer to the movie La Quinceañera "as a film about "Latino culture".
As an American of Argentine ancestry, I find that to be a "chiste" (joke)!
Here in Denver "Latino/Hispanic" refers solamente a los Mejicanos — (in Argentina, Mexico is spelled con un "jota" {j} no con un equis {x}.)
But what the hell, si puede ganar dinero (make money) indulging in some good old Marxist dialectics, more currently referred to as political correctness, everything is right with the world.
Kopilow is a Brooklyn, NY native who has lived in Colorado since 1956. He describes himself as a "recovering Democrat and retired realtor who is considering moving down to the Argentine to spend my retirement years among my Argentine cousins and many friends."