From: A Colorado Springs Reader
I live in Colorado Springs, so I know all about Mayor Suthers. You might be interested to know that he is being challenged by three other candidates right now. To right the wrong that he did to you, you might want to contact the real Conservative candidate challenging him, Dr. John Pitchford, and explain to him how John Suthers infringed on your individual rights, which would provide more ammo to get Suthers fired. Another candidate running for City Council who is at odds with Mayor Suthers is Gordon Klingenschmitt. No doubt, both candidates would welcome any information regarding Mayor Suthers gutless stand against political correctness and leftist demands.
On top of all the other things that Colorado Springs taxpayers don’t like about Suther’s RINO, cave-in, cowardly PC style, they sure won’t like the fact that Suthers brought on another law suit, which he should pay for out of his own pocket, not the taxpayers' pockets. Good luck on this, and I look forward to listening to you on Colorado Springs talk radio, and perhaps hearing the above candidates raising it as just one more issue and reason to vote Suthers out of office.
By James Fulford writes: Readers interested in the case of VDARE FOUNDATION v CITY OF COLORADO SPRINGS, JOHN SUTHERS can read the filing here [PDF ], or watch Peter Brimelow talk about it below. Readers who are really interested can donate to VDARE.com’s Legal Defense Fund (it’s tax-deductible!)