A Computer Programmer Writes On The Job Figures
Re: James Fulford’s post Immigrant Share Of US Employment Going Through The Roof — "You’re Going To Need A Bigger Chart”
From: Virgil Bierschwale
Here is a different way of looking at the same data.
My main point here is that 18.59% of the total nonfarm workforce are foreign born and they have received 44.25% of all new jobs created since 2007.
Leaving 81.41% of the total nonfarm workforce fighting over 55.75% of all new jobs created since 2007.
I’m a computer programmer.
My once bright future was destroyed because of what I show here.
Another key point, if we take that same total nonfarm data and create a chart showing how many jobs were created each year, we get an average of 1 1/2 million jobs.
Yet we import 9 1/2 million guest workers per year, and no telling how many illegal immigrants this year.
All wanting those 1 1/2 million new jobs created each year.