A Federal Employee Notes That DHS Is Censoring "White Identity"
05/25/11 — A Texas Engineer Says Illegals Should Change Their Own Country, Not This One
Re: Jared Taylor On White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century
From: A federally employed anonymous reader
This probably won’t surprise you, but the Department of Homeland Security has blocked internet access to the publisher handling Jared Taylor’s new book, ""White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century."
I work part-time for FEMA,, as a reservist. I’m working at [Redacted] When I went to order Taylor’s book online, using a FEMA computer going through a FEMA internet firewall, this is what came up:
Your request https://www.amren.com/store/white-identity.html was denied because of its content categorization: "Violence/Hate/Racism"
I will be ordering Taylor’s book when I get home next month!
James Fulford writes: This is caused by a filtering company called WebSense — "Violence/Hate/Racism" is their way of putting it. They do a lot of censorship of government computers:
In 2008 I wrote about
"Websense — a large multinational, with offices all over, including the Republic of Ireland. Their site lookup tool is here, and you can phone them at 1 800.723.1166, or email them here. We had to write them a letter at one point, and also submit a change request to their website. Anti-censorware activist Bennett Haselton found in when he checked in 2006 that they classified us as something innocuous — and immediately tried to change that, see my blog And This Is How We Repay Them."
This filtering also affects soldiers — Allan Wall couldn’t access VDARE.com when he was on active duty in Texas, preparing to go to Iraq. It also affects sailors — including, believe it or not, passengers on the Disney Wonder. And it’s a really stupid idea.
After all, if we were actually enemies of the state, you'd think they'd want the Federal Government to know about us.