A Florida Reader On Mexican History, Mark, And Masons

By VDARE.com Reader


Re: "The Last Word On Mexico" — A Dangerously Insightful Essay On Mexican History

From: Larry Spencer

That was an interesting commentary but I think he would have profited by going a bit further back in time.

For instance, he could have referenced Fr. Kelley’s Blood Drenched Altars and identified the then far superior Culture of Catholic Mexico as compared to the then American Calvinist Culture.

Mark could have referenced the reality that two centuries prior to Harvard, the Catholics operated two universities in what is now Mexico, Universities for men and women; and he could have identified the existence of an Indian Middle Class in that great country.

Mexico was killed by a Masonic Revolution.

He might have referenced H.W. Crocker III’s, "Triumph," in which he quotes Evelyn Waugh writing in Robbery under Law;

"By 1575, a century before the first printing press was set up in British America, books were being printed in Mexico City, not only in Spanish, but in twelve different languages. There were three universities in Spanish America nearly a century before the foundation of Harvard. There was a Medical School at the Royal and Pontifical University of Mexico two hundred years before Harvard’s, and anatomy and surgery were taught with dissection eighty-six years before William Hunter opened the first school of dissection in England."

As the redoubtable Mr. Crocker notes, "Independence and severance of the tie to Europe — a battle led, ironically, by two renegade priests — spun Mexico into decline."

Catholic Mexico was light years ahead of Calvinist America (Jefferson lusted after it) and Mexico was ruined by a Masonic revolution but that historical reality was left out of Mark’s history and so, typically, one is left with the impression after reading him that the Catholic Church, to the extent it is even mentioned in Mark’s history, was a malign force in that country.

James Fulford writes: Larry Spencer’s view of Mexican History will appeal to some more than others. I'll just mention that his reference to a Masonic revolution is not to automatically dismissed as a crank theory, as far as Mexico is concerned.

In Catholic societies like France, Spain, and Mexico, anti-clerical forces have tended to organize in Masonic lodges, and Plutarco Calles, Mexico’s most notable persecutor of the the Church, was certainly a Freemason.

Vicente Fox (remember him?) wrote in his autobiography that

"After 1917, Mexico was led by anti-Catholic Freemasons who tried to evoke the anticlerical spirit of popular indigenous President Benito Juárez of the 1800s. "

That makes Larry Spencer’s reference to a "Masonic Revolution" the standard version, rather than the crank version, of Mexican history.

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