08/12/07 — A Wisconsin Reader Challenges A Dense Radio Talk Show Host
From: Chris Roach:
By now everyone’s heard of the terrible shooting in Newark, N.J. Four good kids, all black, were on their way to college to pursue success in a city where there is so much failure.
They were gunned down execution-style by a murderous illegal alien for no reason… [Suspect Pleads Not Guilty in New Jersey Killings, CBS News, August 10, 2007]
The media’s initial silence about the perpetrators' backgrounds made me assume they were black. But an even more sacred shibboleth, that of our supposedly benign immigrant underclass, was at stake.
Several days passed before the public found out the truth.
According to CNN, quoting Essex County Sheriff Armando Fontoura:
"Jose Carranza appears to be an undocumented immigrant [sic] from Peru who has been using a bogus Social Security number. "
Carranza has a lengthy criminal record that includes charges of raping a five year-old-girl.
Judging by reactions to things like the Rodney King verdict, I can see increasing black-Hispanic tension in Newark and elsewhere, to everyone’s disadvantage.
This has already happened in LA, where a similarly senseless crime was reported a few months ago of a young black girl murdered just for being black.
Apparently, Mexican gangs had deliberately undertaken a campaign of ethnic cleansing against blacks. There is a great deal of tension and animosity now between the communities (and their gangs).
At a less bellicose level, blacks and Hispanics are engaged to some extent in a war for political control of the once great American city.
There is little solidarity among blacks and Hispanics, not least because Hispanics are ascendant. They are depressing black wages, and their massive numbers are diminishing the political power of blacks — once an essential part of the Democratic Party’s coalition.
Let’s consider reality. One thing you notice with immigrants of all kinds, but particularly working class immigrants, is a much more frank and often negative view of other races and ethnicities. There’s mistrust and animosity among immigrants.
While white Americans often still have an individualistic and meritocratic outlook — one might even say a naive disregard for group solidarity — others play by a different set of rules.
Some new immigrants are still living on the tribal level: groups stick together against other groups. The middle class, law-abiding, minding-their-own-business suburbanite whites ignore this world at their peril. Like non-native Kudzu, this different, more aggressive strain of living and thinking quickly crowds out and overpowers the native species.
This world — distrusting, violent, mutually suspicious, tribal, and primitive — is what the diversifiers have wrought with their open border policies and its multiculturalist propaganda.
In addition to importing their alien values and therefore altering (or destroying) our own way of life, illegal immigration presents practical and immediate dire consequences.
Poor and rootless illegal immigrants commit crime at a high rate, perhaps three times or more the rate of native born Americans.
With millions new illegals coming in, there is a guaranteed higher toll in lost lives, rapes, drunk driving incidents, etc. This is the price we pay for the supposed boon of not having to mow our own lawns or wash our cars because of the surplus of low skill labor. It hardly seems like an even trade.
I’m sure our lax immigration policies especially didn’t seem like a good trade to these four good kids in Newark who've seen their neighborhoods transformed into a Tower of Babel where good paying jobs are harder and harder to find, distrust and despair dominate.
Young lives were ended by one of George Bush’s storied "willing workers".
Roach is a lawyer and blogger. Read his earlier letter to VDARE.com here.