A Florida Reader Thanks Brimelow And Rubenstein For A Wake-Up Call
Re: CA GOP’s Problem: Not Hispanics, But Whites (And, Of Course, Idiot Leadership)
From: Delmar Jackson
I want to thank Peter Brimelow and Ed Rubinstein for such a fine article. I learned a lot. Or I should say, I unlearned a lot as I had assumed the influx of immigration was the reason California was lost. I consider your article a tale of hope for Californians who have little hope, and a wake-up call for Texas and the rest of us that are still asleep.
I am always critical of your site and other immigration sites that never tell us what we can do to fix our problem. I get tired of reading the ship is sinking and wish to see someone tell me how to wake up the passengers and start building a lifeboat. Your article should wake up some passengers. Now if we could only wake some of the crew.
See previous letters from Delmar Jackson.